Need advice on my next cycle .. Should I cut , or should I lean bulk .


New member
Need some advice , I was planing on doing a cut cycle for my next cycle .
My last cycle was not don right , I took sus 300 at 700 mg a week with the idea of getting back into the gym and getting my modivation back .
And this I most definitely achieved .
The problem was that I was over weight big time , something like 25% bf
I was 256 when I started , the cycle was based on a 3000 to 3300 cal intake , I put on 15 pounds of mass and managed to drop some body fat as well . But my belie killed me to look at . So when I went off I dropped my cal intake big time .. I know it's the wrong thing to do but it worked . Now I'm 240
Bf is like 18 % if not lower hight 6 ft age 39
Hears my dilemma , my next cycle will be using a rip blend . Witch could be used for either cutting or bulking . I was thinking to continue cutting keep my cal intake at around 2500 . My gut tells me cut , but knowing myself ill want to see gains .. What kind of results can I expect to see taking 900 mg w week of rip blend ,, Lexus . Eating around 2500 cal intake a day low carbs . High protein .. Wil I gain some size . You think I'll go up in weight ten pounds . It's impossible even if your on a cut cycle not to go up in weight some right .
At 2500 cal intake .. Would that be considered a lean bulk type cycle .
Is 1700 cal intake moor like it for cutting
Should I just eat 3000 cal a day and go for size again . What should be don at this point . I know if I continued cutting and working as hard as I do I would be at 12 % bf at the end of this 12 weeks with a low cal diet . Then I could bulk up correctly .
if I were you Id be dieting down. I cant stand being fat.
Im same height and almost same age as you so I can kinda picture what youre looking like.
If youre like me, it probably bugs you a lot. Packing on more weight when youre at 18% doenst sound good to me.
I think your cals is hard to say cause everyone is different. not sure how your metab is.
at you height, age, and if youre working out regularly, Im guessing your maintence is in the 2500-3k area?
I guess you may gain a bit at 2500. I know right now If I go to 2300 I start to gain. Im currently on cycle though.

1700 cals is something ive never gone down to. I went down to around 1800 when I hit 5% last year.
That was a slow decrease in cals over my dieting time though. I slowly droped cals every couple weeks from where I started at. If you just start at 1700 then where do you go from there?

anyway, my vote is diet not bulk
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If you think you could recomp (bulk and drop bf%) at finish at 12% that's not horrible - at your size it shouldn't look like 12%, it should look lower. However, I also vote for cut.
I'm going cut .. For sure , but now it's gear I'm thinking Lexus rip blend . But to be honest I've never hit tren . I think I can handle it we shall see . I'm going to haft to go with the rip blend for $ reasons . It would be quite expensive to go the other rout . Like 200 + moor .. Any one try the rip blend .
you'll look bigger believe it or not cutting the bf and defining those muscle's hidin under the fat
i havent checked my bf recently but i am 5'11 and 225 now and started out with a 38" waist line and down to a 33" waist line now with a V-Taper, muscle's look alot more defined and get alot of stares as well, great feeling bro
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Test and Anavar (var) is a great cutter if you cut the cals and add cardio to your routine
found running test at 500mg/week from weeks 1-10 and adding Anavar (var) in the mix at 60mg/ed from week 10-16 cut the shit out of me, lost 4" off my waist line and alot more vascular