need advice on post cycle therapy (pct) for test e and eq


New member
need advice on pct for test e and eq

Hey guys, im new to this forum and need some advice.
im 32 y/0,5'9 165lbs im hit the gym pretty hard 5 days a week for the last 2 years eating really clean and im having about 3k calories a day ( just started eating clean about 2 months ago). I did a sus cycle last year but due to a bad pct lost all gains and had a hard recovery.

im about to start a Test e and eq cycle in a few days and wanted to know how long should i run it for,how many mg a week and what supplements i should be taking while on the cycle?

also how should my pct look like?

i can get my hands on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid and nolvadex.. is there anything else i should be taking wile on the cycle

any help, advice would be gratefully appreciated.