need advice on woman...


New member
please bear with the long post!

-background- My girlfriend and myself have been together for three years. When we got together she was a virgin and had really never messed around with anybody else, besides a little touching. It kinda worried me b/c she is goergous and didn't understand it. I've been friends with her for 8yrs now so I know her past quite well. About 3-4months into the relationship we started having sex and everything was GREAT (for me at least) but, she just never really got into it and I could tell she was just doing it b/c she knew I wanted to.

-current/problem- She has still never really gets excited. She tells me she just has no desire. I have done everything I possibly can think of. We have the perfect relationship besides the lack of a sex life and I just can't handle it any more. We've had sex 6-8 times since Valentines Day and I just don't want to give up on her/the relationship.

-question- I've been reading on numerous boards about different pills/cremes/blah blah that enhance a females libido but just don't know what to pick. Is there anything you lady's would suggest from experience? I've seen where a doc has recommended 25mg of DHEA a day. Seen people recommend using pro.cremes. Even some talking about anavar or other "steroids." I'm sure its a hormone inbalance but would like to try something before heading straight to the doc. I hate making her feel like she a "failure" as a g/f even though its about to break this relationship up. All advance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.
maybe you should see a therapist. It might be a physical or emotional problem. At least try to figure that out first.

IMO there is no such thing as a perfect relationship (girlfriend/wife) unless sex is involved. It's like saying "we had a perfect meal, except there was no food"

I respect the fact that you want to work it out. Very admirable.
getfitdoc said:
IMO there is no such thing as a perfect relationship (girlfriend/wife) unless sex is involved. It's like saying "we had a perfect meal, except there was no food"


eat her pussy more. if you give this chick more orgasm's she wanna fuck more.
evansss said:

eat her pussy more. if you give this chick more orgasm's she wanna fuck more.

u obv didn't read my post...she doesn't get excited at all. eating her out does nothing, she doesn't find any pleasure out of it.

its more like a perfect meal without the dessert!
ok, first off welcome to the board, and thank you for posting!! in all honesty, however, she REALLY needs to get her hormone levels checked. low sex drive is NOT an uncommon problem. are her menstrual cycles normal? is she moody or depressed? do NOT attempt to self-medicate until you kow what the problem is; playing around with hormone levels may result in a rebound, which will make the problem exponentially worse instead of better. hope that helped!
ok, first off welcome to the board, and thank you for posting!! in all honesty, however, she REALLY needs to get her hormone levels checked. low sex drive is NOT an uncommon problem. are her menstrual cycles normal? is she moody or depressed? do NOT attempt to self-medicate until you kow what the problem is; playing around with hormone levels may result in a rebound, which will make the problem exponentially worse instead of better. hope that helped!

Her menstrual cycles are normal, she is really never moody, and not depressed. one thing i left out was the fact that she is sooo tight that every time we do have/attempt it hurts her so bad she doesn't want to finish. when we first started dating she stuck it out and it didn't hurt her as bad. now that we don't have sex very reguraly it is really pain full for her again. she actually have a gyno appointment coming up and promises me that she'll talk to the doc. about the problem. i guess we'll see where that gets us.
Dude, there could be thousands of issues here. DO NOT try to self medicate her or any supposed quick fixes. If she loves you, and the problem isnt you, she will be just as concerned and should see her doctor, just as you stated she is going to do. Wait and see what happenes there. Be supportive.