Need advice please


New member
I'm 36 yrs. 6'1 230 been lifting for 18 months now. This would be my first cycle. I see everyone recommends test for your first cycle only. I also was told to run anavar for 6 weeks once my first 12 week cycle was finished. In order to keep my gains? I ordered some gear and what I ordered was below.Is there a good cycle out of what I do have in my hands? Thanks in advance guys.

30-amps. of sus 250
1- 10ml of deca 300
1- bottle of anavar 100@ 10 mg

My diet is like this Calories Protein Carbs Fat
4150 410 350 135
I also take 2 protein shakes a day. pre/post workout. Cytosport 54 grams protein a serving. Is there a better protein I should take also. This 108 grams of protein is in my above numbers.

My training is as follows
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There's no need for three compounds on your first cycle. Also, with only a year and a half of training under your belt, I'd recommend staying natural awhile longer. You probably aren't anywhere near your genetic limitations after such a short stint in the gym.

When you do decide to take the plunge, I'd go with test @ 300-400mg/wk. That's all you'll need. You'd be amazed at the gains you can make on 'lighter' cycles when diet and training are completely in order.

This is the ideal way of introducing your body to anabolics. Test is already produced naturally. Sides are easily combatable. Gains are/should be exceptional.
Well you had the advice and ordered the gear anyways... LOL

There is nothing CRAZY about what you bought although probably more advanced than I would typically recommend to 1st timer... you'll live and you will see good gains.

I might do 1cc of each per week for 10 weeks being that's what you have.
My goal is to gain about 15 to 20 lbs. of muscle. I'm not talking about taking all three I just had to buy a certain amount of gear at a time.
J.Campbell said:
My goal is to gain about 15 to 20 lbs. of muscle. I'm not talking about taking all three I just had to buy a certain amount of gear at a time.

Thats a real long shot right there, not to bring your hopes down but 15-20lbs of muscle isn't likely. When all is said and done after post cycle therapy (pct) etc you could be @ 10lbs of clean muscle if your diet is in check.

I would have run Enanthate or Cyp over Sust especially for a first timer. Your levels are going to be inconsistent if you plan on shooting once a week.

Sust 1-15 @ 500mg/ ew
deca 1-10 @ 300mg/ ew
var 12-16 @ 30mg /ed
pct wk 18

Would have suggested 500 mgs of enanthate or cyp for 12 weeks though.
Bro honestly, and I know you have heard this so bear with me, You will see great gains off the sust alone, my first cycle was sust and I was only running 1 cc a week of 375mg/ml and saw awesome strength and weight it gives you a chance to see how your body will react to test alone, this was good for me because I added Deca my second cycle and got shitty, painful steroid induced acne on my neck..knew it wasnt from test cause I have very few sides on test alone.... so it will allow you to see exactly how your body reacts to each compund.....just my .02...enjoy my friend
I plan on 500 of sus a week split up into 3 shots. So should I run sus. only for the first 12 weeks then anavar weeks 12 - 16.
J.Campbell said:
I plan on 500 of sus a week split up into 3 shots. So should I run sus. only for the first 12 weeks then anavar weeks 12 - 16.

I'd suggest the Sust alone, leave the Anavar for another cycle.

You do know about post cycle therapy (pct) ??
Yes I plan on post cycle therapy (pct) at the end of cycle. Thanks Stone. Thanks I will just do the sus.250 @ 500 a week
alex7781 said:
Bro honestly, and I know you have heard this so bear with me, You will see great gains off the sust alone, my first cycle was sust and I was only running 1 cc a week of 375mg/ml and saw awesome strength and weight it gives you a chance to see how your body will react to test alone, this was good for me because I added Deca my second cycle and got shitty, painful steroid induced acne on my neck..knew it wasnt from test cause I have very few sides on test alone.... so it will allow you to see exactly how your body reacts to each compund.....just my .02...enjoy my friend

WORD to the above reply. My first cycle was primo and very low mgs...and I actually saw Wish I knew then what I do now...but back to the question. If/when you do decide to jump in, a one compound 300-500mg max for 10-12 weeks will stoke you provided proper nutrition, lifts and rest. Note, once you start using AAS, it is very hard to go back to natural lifting...for me at least. Just be sure you are ready, good luck man...oh, you can get away with 2 shots per week at need to add the third shot.