Need Advice! Super high SBGH, low everything else. Bad rebound!


New member
Hey y' to the forum and really looking for help. First off, I am a female...just so thats known for the info I'm about to give/help wanted. Last August I stepped on stage for my pro debut and about a week post show, my body blew up. I swelled so bad and was getting blood work done monthly basically. Months go by and I was gaining 10-12lbs a month off of low calories. My body wasn't handling carbs so I found out after I took a diabetes test and my insulin spiked up to over 300 and then plummeted down to 60. So my body was gaining weight from then I went keto to lower my blood glucose levels and stop gaining weight. Test after tests, I did't have full answers. Which leads me to where I am now...almost a year later, I have gained 50lbs and my lab work shows that my organs are great. My triglycerides are good. But its my hormones that are a mess. My SBGH is sky high, my estradiol is low, test is low, LH is low, progesterone low, everything is so low to the point that its undetectable. I feel like with my SBGH being so high, its a big reason I've had insulin issues, along with many other side effects like no sex drive, no motivation, low energy, etc. Doctors don't want to help me because they see it as my own fault because I involve myself in a sport that is made for guys basically. So I am just wondering if anyone has any information about having high SBGH and low everything else and what you did to try and fix it. Keep in mind I am a female as well. Any insight would be appreciated!
Welcome. Can you please post your blood work results? And let us know at what point you were at in your menstrual cycle when the blood work was done.

How old are you? Have you or are you taking steroids? If so, which ones and how much?
Welcome. Can you please post your blood work results? And let us know at what point you were at in your menstrual cycle when the blood work was done.

How old are you? Have you or are you taking steroids? If so, which ones and how much?

Fasting Glucose- (12 hours fast): 90
TSH (0.350-5.00 mcUnits/mL): 2.039
Triiodothyronin, Free (2.2-4.0 pg/mL): 2.7
T4, Free (0.8-1.5 ng/dL): .8
FSH: <0.3 (undetectable)
LH: <0.1 (undetectable)
Progesterone: 0.23
Estradiol: <12
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (30-135nmol/L): 349
Testosterone Female or child (9.0-55.0 ng/dL): 33.2
Testosterone Free Female & Child (0.8-7.4 pg/mL): 0.9

In January, my fasting glucose would be around 130's.
For my prep for my pro debut, my coach at the time cut my calories drastically right away and we started 20 weeks out (I was already at 10% bf at this time since my offseason was short). I lost weight the first few weeks but then it stalled so he cut more calories, gave me more cardio...the typical bullshit. I still wasn't leaning out the way I normally do so I listened to my bf at the time and started taking things which I didn't even really know what things were. I was just in a panic not to be able to make it to stage. It ended up being anavar and I took 10 then 20 closer to show, I also was taking clen, and then what he thought was nolvadex but was proviron and honestly I can't remember the dose on that. My trust was put into someone else since I never took anything other than var in the past. Also, I am 27. I was lacking a menstrual cycle for 3 years and just recently started getting it because of being put on birth control. When the bloodwork was taken, I still had two weeks before my cycle.
You're shut down, which is very VERY hard to do to women. Are you on depo-provera or another form of hormonal birth control?
You might want to see an endocrinologist about this one. You have extremely low body fat for a woman. You have run huge caloric deficits and taken steroids. That all takes its toll on your body.

Can you run blood work again to see how things look now since some time has passed and your body has changed? See my signature below for info on getting blood work cheap and fast - without having to go through your doctor.
You might want to see an endocrinologist about this one. You have extremely low body fat for a woman. You have run huge caloric deficits and taken steroids. That all takes its toll on your body.

Can you run blood work again to see how things look now since some time has passed and your body has changed? See my signature below for info on getting blood work cheap and fast - without having to go through your doctor.

That's not what my bf% is at now...I've gained 60lbs from my body shutting down and being so insulin resistant. So I am FAR from being lean now.

And that is my recent blood's from 2 weeks ago. I'm not running anything anymore and haven't since last August. The birth control I am taking is OrtoEvra which is suppose to be higher in estrogen but its made no difference in my blood work, it just gives me a cycle now.
I'm just taking OthroEvra birth control and thats it for anything hormonal

I don't know for sure if this is the root cause of your problems, but as my wife had a HUGE problem with a similar product - I did a little digging. The results are below from their website that links to their product disclaimer and information page. I linked the pdf if you want to bring it with you to the doctor. said:
5.6 Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolic Effects
Carefully monitor prediabetic and diabetic women who take ORTHO EVRA. CHCs may decrease glucose tolerance in a dose-related fashion. In a 6-cycle clinical trial with ORTHO EVRA there were no clinically significant changes in fasting blood glucose from baseline to end of treatment.

Consider alternative contraception for women with uncontrolled dyslipidemia. A small proportion of women will have adverse lipid changes while on hormonal contraceptives.

Women with hypertriglyceridemia, or a family history thereof, may be at an increased risk of pancreatitis when using hormonal contraceptives.

5.12 Effect on Binding Globulins
The estrogen component of CHCs may raise the serum concentrations of thyroxine-binding globulin, sex hormone-binding globulin and cortisol-binding globulin. The dose of replacement thyroid hormone or cortisol therapy may need to be increased.

While I don't think that this is the total cause for your problems, I do think that being in a severe caloric deficit with intense training and the introduction of AAS may have been enough to declare war on your poor pituitary gland.

It's definitely time to see an EXCELLENT doctor, and discuss options that you have still available to you. I would start with an endocrinologist and see what they have to say, and I would leave out the anavar use - but you can say that you were given "supplements" by your trainer that you suspect may have played a role.

Do not hesitate, insulin/glucose resistance IS reversible if caught soon enough, but it does (I speak from experience as I was shut down, and became a diabetic) have a limited time window.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, and hope you have a speedy recovery. :)
I don't know for sure if this is the root cause of your problems, but as my wife had a HUGE problem with a similar product - I did a little digging. The results are below from their website that links to their product disclaimer and information page. I linked the pdf if you want to bring it with you to the doctor.


While I don't think that this is the total cause for your problems, I do think that being in a severe caloric deficit with intense training and the introduction of AAS may have been enough to declare war on your poor pituitary gland.

It's definitely time to see an EXCELLENT doctor, and discuss options that you have still available to you. I would start with an endocrinologist and see what they have to say, and I would leave out the anavar use - but you can say that you were given "supplements" by your trainer that you suspect may have played a role.

Do not hesitate, insulin/glucose resistance IS reversible if caught soon enough, but it does (I speak from experience as I was shut down, and became a diabetic) have a limited time window.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, and hope you have a speedy recovery. :)

Hmm that is super interesting about the birth control!! Thank you!! I obviously want to avoid having my SBGH get any higher.
I will call around Monday to see if I can get in with an endocrinologist. I have been to so many doctors its not even funny. It's just very scary because I just want to be normal again...not even thinking about stepping on stage at this point but just to be healthy and my normal weight again but it seems as if my body is just fighting everything about me trying to do so.
Hmm that is super interesting about the birth control!! Thank you!! I obviously want to avoid having my SBGH get any higher.
I will call around Monday to see if I can get in with an endocrinologist. I have been to so many doctors its not even funny. It's just very scary because I just want to be normal again...not even thinking about stepping on stage at this point but just to be healthy and my normal weight again but it seems as if my body is just fighting everything about me trying to do so.

Yeah, it's unbelievable how many prescription drugs are WORSE for you than the scary AAS that's illegal. I've been in your shoes, so I totally know how it feels that be fighting a battle that just seems impossible as your body is fighting you every step of the way.

As far as alternative birth control goes, the copper IUD is what my wife decided on as it has zero impact on hormones and is very low maintenance. We looked into many different forms available, and that gave the best options in our research. If you're not comfortable with that, the low dose pills also have had some good reviews.

Please let us know how the doctor visit goes! You'll be back to stage-readiness before you know it. :)