Need advice..would be much appeciated...beginer...


Novice 26...about 6'5...210 lbs.
My Gear: 2 bottle of Eth 300, bottle of deca 300, 60 10mg D-bols, i also have a botle of prop 100

This is what i was thinking....
week 1-4 20mg Dbol/day
week 1-10 300mg Deca/week
week 1-12 450mg Eth/week
also was thinking about how to work the propinate in there somehow. Was thinking that on my last shot of test eth...the following week...start the prop eod at 100mgs/day.
clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) wasnt going to start until i have all post cycle therapy (pct) stuff just got a hold of HCG to run thru out cycle at 500mgs wk teice a wk
Thank you
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Alright, I guess I don't need to tell you how much of a bad idea it was to take dbol at age 16 and all the other lets move on.

I am a firm believer of using about twice as much test than deca. If I don't follow this rule I end up getting deca dick and the wife will consider divorce... It might be just me but in case you have erectile issues on this cycle, try upping the Test to 600mg.

Dbol @ 20mg is useless if you ask me. I find dbol to work best at 50mg. 30mg might still be good for some but anything less than that won't add much more than water. Thats just me though, you'll hear different stories from other users.

Your view on post cycle therapy (pct) is very bad. It is very important and money should have nothing to do with it. This is your manhood you're gambling with, are you willing to loose it in order to safe a few bucks?

Clomid alone can be enough, but with deca involved its always a big risk, I would run HCG during cycle. And always have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand or Nolva, especially with dbol.

Test P at the end is a good idea, I like to do this myself. You'll lose some water and I also feel that the shorter acting ester is less inhibitory. If I use it, I run it for the last 4 weeks. 100mg is a good dose, start injecting that 3 days after the last Test E to make the switch.
And stopping the deca 2 or 3 weeks earlier is important, but you already figured that out.

All in all I think you should go over the books a little bit longer, especially regarding post cycle therapy (pct) and estrogen. Deca is the last thing you want to "play" with.
why is deca the last thing i want to play with?

everything ive read pretty much says that deca and dbol is the most basic and one of the best cycles u can do. especially for a beginner or a novice? do u say that because of the side effects it could bring on? Another note...i have been skinny my whole life. this is the most iv ever weighed in my life and the only reason ive gained most of this weight is becaue i was in jail for about six months. When i went in to jail i weighed about 170 and was skinny like a crack head. prob due to my lack of post cycle therapy (pct) last summer. So ur saying a should run the HGC thoughough the whole entire cycle and not just at the end?

another thing...i can get another bottle of test eth...what would u think of 500mg/week....300mg deca/ week....and what about 25 mgs of dbol...i could prob squeze 4 weeks out of what i have at 25 mgf/ day a...still get a good kick start and not have to many side effects no? and should i take it in two doses or all at once few hrs prios to hitting the gym
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Your making this way harder then it has to be. Um gonna tell you what you should do, but your most likely not gonna like it. You wanna run all these compounds which i don't mind. What I do mind is your diet. If you wanna gain weight and and get 100% out of your cycle you need diet help. With your height and weight you don't eat. You need nutritional help. Don't go telling me your diet is good because it isnt. Your too worried about your cycle but in reality you should concentrate on getting your diet dialed in first. Trust me the reason you lose it all is because your diet. If you don't get your diet in check believe me when I tell you you won't gain shit from this cycle. So do yourself a favor and get your diet where it needs to be then worry about gear. It's gonna save a lot of headaches and wasted money
no i know you bsolutly right and maintaning weight has been a problem my whlr life. i mean i try to eat everythng in site and get lots of protein. what would u suggest though? lots of eg in the moning? lots of red meat? and at least three protein drinks a day?
Write down everything you eat for 2 weeks into a food log and calculate how many calories that is and macro nutrients: Protein, Carbs, Fats in grams. After the two weeks, evaluate where you stand, make sure you are getting 500 calorie surplus to gain weight, I would assume at your height, weight and age, you should be getting in at least 4000-5000 calories. Do the math and you'll get results. Gear will only work, like herm said, if your diet is on track and you're eating tons of solid calories.
also my boy said hes interesting in trading for my bottle of their another compound that would be nice to add instead of just test and dbols? something like primo? having read to much about that compound. or what about. 100mg/s of Tren....although im pretty sure tren has to be injected eod or so and is ususly used with prop not eth? am i wrong? any advice about substituting the deca for something else?
primo will cost lots of money..keep it basic test deca n dbol....but bigherm is right if your diet is not right u will loose your gains or not gain much lol..
yes i understand that diet is very important. Im not a complete idiot and i know my past mistakes was planning on trying to consume 1gram of protein per every pound i way....around 200. And also eat a min of 4,000 calories a day. However, my friend has recently been bugging me for my bottle of Deca because he forgot to order some this time around and he has a bunch of gear he says he is willing to trade regardless of the price. Now i have a bottle of Dece 300 from Oxide Pharm. Which i heard is a solid grade and well dosed. Only payed 65 bucks for it cause my other friend owed me a little money. Now if he is willing to trade me say his bottle of primo or a bottle of tren. Or what ever else he may have cuz an order just came in. What would be a good substitute for the deca? as couple different suggestions would be appreciated.