Novice 26...about 6'5...210 lbs.
My Gear: 2 bottle of Eth 300, bottle of deca 300, 60 10mg D-bols, i also have a botle of prop 100
This is what i was thinking....
week 1-4 20mg Dbol/day
week 1-10 300mg Deca/week
week 1-12 450mg Eth/week
also was thinking about how to work the propinate in there somehow. Was thinking that on my last shot of test eth...the following week...start the prop eod at 100mgs/day.
clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) wasnt going to start until i have all post cycle therapy (pct) stuff just got a hold of HCG to run thru out cycle at 500mgs wk teice a wk
Thank you
My Gear: 2 bottle of Eth 300, bottle of deca 300, 60 10mg D-bols, i also have a botle of prop 100
This is what i was thinking....
week 1-4 20mg Dbol/day
week 1-10 300mg Deca/week
week 1-12 450mg Eth/week
also was thinking about how to work the propinate in there somehow. Was thinking that on my last shot of test eth...the following week...start the prop eod at 100mgs/day.
clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) wasnt going to start until i have all post cycle therapy (pct) stuff just got a hold of HCG to run thru out cycle at 500mgs wk teice a wk
Thank you
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