Need advice (Yes another 18 year old)

Read a couple of posts back, that was an insult. I wouldn't exactly come up to you and say "Steroid wanker with a tiny dick" so yeah don't give me that bullshit. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying the way you're telling me ain't gonna help. Being a dick about it, is going to do one thing, make me want to do it and prove you wrong. When I say I've been working out for 3 months I mean solid work outs following the same routine. I done swimming for 7 years prior to that and I've always been active. Also I've been gaining weight and it stays, it's just too slow and I was wanting to gain it much quicker. Shows how mature you are that despite me telling you to not call me a kid you insist on doing it. My advice to you, don't be a cunt to all the young people on here, if you want a bitching session then you're on the wrong forum. Now if you are so mature, you'll shut up I've taken your views onboard, but keep being a wanker and I'm sure everyone will see you need to grow the fuck up.

If quick results is what your after, training isnt for you
OP, even if you weren't too young, say 25 y/o, you haven't built a solid natural foundation to begin AAS usage. You've only been training 3 months - your training experience should be on the order of YEARS before you even consider AAS.

If you're as knowledgeable as you say you are regarding human physiology, you wouldn't even be considering taking anabolic androgenic compounds at this point in your life.

Thanks for your input. I'll keep at the training and maybe post logs on here with a weeks diet plan as well to see if anyone can improve it.
92 grams of protein per shake ???

Guess what, your body can only take in about 30 grams at a time....the rest you shit out.

So no, your two shakes a day aint gonna cut it....
Thanks for your input. I'll keep at the training and maybe post logs on here with a weeks diet plan as well to see if anyone can improve it.

That would be excellent man - there are many very knowledgeable people around here that can help you tremendously.
What, did you start off at 75lbs or something? You're an idiot. I retract my statement about seeming like a smart kid. 3 months of training.. and you said you bought weights. So you work out at home? Go to a gym and get some advice from people who can teach you how to lift to build muscle.

I started at 115lbs. I bought weights so I could work out at home I don't see where the problem lies? Why pay to use the same equipment but in my own home? I'm not talking a set of dumbbells. I have dumbbells, a bench, a bar, a machine. I go to the gym usually on the wednesday as it ties in with my uni schedule better than anything else. I don't retract my judgement on you, you're still a typical andro junkie with a big ego. If that's what I'll turn out like I think I'd rather steer clear and do it the natural way than take any shortcuts ever.
Stick around for awhile and do some research. Ask questions on how to improve what you're doing before you take the plunge. Just be smart bro, you have a lot of potential right now and you shouldn't let it go to waste. You're young.. god I'd kill to be 18 again. I started at 18 and really wish I hadnt have. I didn't even know what a pct was then. lol
Seriously, we're just tryin to steer you in the right direction. I'm not a people person, so I tend to be overly abrasive. Don't take it personal. But seriously, my ego will eat you for lunch.
I don't retract my judgement on you, you're still a typical andro junkie with a big ego. If that's what I'll turn out like I think I'd rather steer clear and do it the natural way than take any shortcuts ever.

Fair enough. It's exactly what it does to you. You believe you can do anything. Shit, I even tried to fly once. I truly believe I am god's gift. AAS has made me this way, as you do them over the years they tend to take ahold of your mental process and you can't really help it. It changes the chemical makeup of your brain and you can never go back. You'll be a gorilla juicehead forever. Turn back now!
Stick around for awhile and do some research. Ask questions on how to improve what you're doing before you take the plunge. Just be smart bro, you have a lot of potential right now and you shouldn't let it go to waste. You're young.. god I'd kill to be 18 again. I started at 18 and really wish I hadnt have. I didn't even know what a pct was then. lol
Seriously, we're just tryin to steer you in the right direction. I'm not a people person, so I tend to be overly abrasive. Don't take it personal. But seriously, my ego will eat you for lunch.

That's more of a typical response I was looking for. I'll kick around these forums for a bit and see what comes of it. I might just leave the AAS in the cupboard for a year and see where I end up.
92 grams of protein per shake ???

Guess what, your body can only take in about 30 grams at a time....the rest you shit out.

So no, your two shakes a day aint gonna cut it....

That's actually a myth. The body takes in whatever it needs and that's usually more than 30g, it can be anything up to 100g in 6 hours. Especially after a workout when the body needs protein for muscle repair, it absorbs much more protein.
Another typical asshole comment I've been seeing. If you'd bothered reading I eat a good amount and I eat good foods, not junk food or anything like that. And I forgot when being 18 meant you were a kid. Take your opinion and shove it where the sun doesn't shine because I HATE the people on this forum like you who say we are "kids" you know nothing about me or how mature I really am. So do me a favour, next time you see something like this don't post because you don't help anything whatsoever.

THe problem is your 18 and your natural testosterone is why you so skinny. Adding more won't help you grow. You knew what you were going to be told before you asked the question.
Right on bro. Best thing you've said yet. =) Anyhow, stick around, get to know us. And welcome to ology brother.
THe problem is your 18 and your natural testosterone is why you so skinny. Adding more won't help you grow. You knew what you were going to be told before you asked the question.

I was hoping to see if people would confirm if a 4 week cycle would screw me up for life or not. But doesn't matter now.
There really isn't much benefit of a 4 week cycle. All first cycles should best a form a Testosterone only and be run at least 12 weeks. You don't want to take a drug for 4 weeks that's going to shut down your natural test and not really give you anything in return. The 4th week on a longer ester cycle is usually when it starts kicking in. Rightwhen you need it you'd be quitting. No point bro.
There really isn't much benefit of a 4 week cycle. All first cycles should best a form a Testosterone only and be run at least 12 weeks. You don't want to take a drug for 4 weeks that's going to shut down your natural test and not really give you anything in return. The 4th week on a longer ester cycle is usually when it starts kicking in. Rightwhen you need it you'd be quitting. No point bro.

It was just when I was reading these case reports those guys were doing 4 week cycles and noticing 5-6lbs gains after week 2. And at the end of week 4 they had gained 10-14lbs.
Yeah, I could see that on a prop cycle, but it's still not a real cycle. With proper/diet/training/rest you could put as much as 30+ lbs on in 1 cycle. how much you keep depends on how fast you recover and how dedicated you really are. I mean you're trying to get weight, not just 10-15 lbs. That still puts you at 140-145. We need you up to 175-180ish would be a good feat for you to get to BEFORE you even consider AAS.
Yeah, I could see that on a prop cycle, but it's still not a real cycle. With proper/diet/training/rest you could put as much as 30+ lbs on in 1 cycle. how much you keep depends on how fast you recover and how dedicated you really are. I mean you're trying to get weight, not just 10-15 lbs. That still puts you at 140-145. We need you up to 175-180ish would be a good feat for you to get to BEFORE you even consider AAS.

Hmm. I'm gonna be here for a few months to get to 175-180. Might invest in some oatmeal been reading that loads of guys are using that as a means of getting extra carbs in during breakfast. What's your opinion on shakes and flavours? I've had both chocolate and vanilla and both are fucking terrible. They never have strawberry so I'm guessing that's the best flavour?
Drop the shakes, eat food. i eat a kilo of actual meat every day. and what you are eating is not 5,000 calories.

and guess what calories dont mean shit. its the nutritional value of the food. an organic chicken breast with no hormones is gong to be way better than something you pick up from a burger shop becuase it contains more nutrients, u grow off nutrients not calories, calories give you a meer guide to the volume of food you should be eating, thats why i know guys putting on lean mass whilst in "calorie deficit"

speak to a nutritionsist like 3j on our boards, he will help you. stay away from gear, i was young and stupid like you, YES STUPID. so snap out of it and dont make the same mistakes i did. eat food, train 5 days a week. in a year you should throw on alot of weight if your doing it properly. there isnt a sole person out there who cant put on size, but not eating enough and training right and throwing a few mls of gear in ur ass aint going to make u some jacked mother fucker. at this point a small gust of wind could blow you over. im just trying to get the point into your head to listen to what everyones saying, they arent just saying it for fun mate
Hmm. I'm gonna be here for a few months to get to 175-180.
I was thinkin more like a few years. =) It doesn't happen overnight bud. Dedication, determination and Mcdonalds/bk/tacohell... eat it all man. who cares if you put on a little fat, eat as much as you possibly can, and then eat a little more. I've puked from eating a few times. The body doesnt always want that much food, but you still gotta give er to grow.
That's actually a myth. The body takes in whatever it needs and that's usually more than 30g, it can be anything up to 100g in 6 hours. Especially after a workout when the body needs protein for muscle repair, it absorbs much more protein.

Not a myth....yes after workout you can take about 50 grams....but the rest of the day is 30 grams every hour... ask around, youll learn....

I would never suggest anyone eat that, that is not food its garbage, i wouldnt feed that to my dead dog. its 50% hormones and 50% crap, all u will get from that is fat and realistically who the fuck whats that. Nutritional value is the key, not garbage