Need advice


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I really don't know anything about pro hormones or steroids. I'm looking to take something that will give me good gains, maybe some fat loss, and little to no side effects. What would I need to take? And would I need to take anything else with it?
People will probably say nothing and do more research. What are your stats (height, weight, lifting experience, age)?
I'm 5'11. 150 lbs. Lifted for about 2 years. 19 years old.

I, along with others, will tell you to wait and to also maximize your natural gains first. You should be able to get to about 185 or so and be lean without using gear. Also unless you have some sort of medical condition, you are "on steroids" right now. These are good testosterone years for you. Once you are 23 or so (25 imo) then look into it.
You have to learn to make gains without gear before you'll have any gains that you'll keep after gear cycles.
Well, I haven't had any noticeable gains in months. One of my friends was having the same problem, and he started using m-drol and put on a lot of muscle fast. I was considering getting that until I saw all of the side effects. I'm just looking for something similar that won't do that much damage to my body.
Well, I haven't had any noticeable gains in months. One of my friends was having the same problem, and he started using m-drol and put on a lot of muscle fast. I was considering getting that until I saw all of the side effects. I'm just looking for something similar that won't do that much damage to my body.
What's your diet like? Cause for real, you are probably relatively skinny at the height and weight.

In case you just cannot talk yourself out of doing it, and some info is better than none,
One of the mildest PH's as far as sides go is/was h-drol(halodrol 50 clone). I had good success with it in about 05 iirc.I'm not sure if it's available anymore. It's about a 10lb gainer or was for me. Research it some if you must. But I strongly suggest you wait. Do to endocrine system development among other things. Research that too while you're at it..Happy lifting.
150 lbs is skinny at most heights but 5'11' is like a twig. if you're looking to also lean out, I'm guessing you're a skinny-fat (sounds bad but nothing wrong, just a body type from not working out much in the past)

eat clean and exercise well and you'll gain. save ph's for a while and get your weight up and then reconsider in a couple years.

you may have seen what m-drol did on the outside of your friend but you have no idea what it could have done to him on the inside. PH's are not "pro-hormones" the MAJORITY of them are designer steroids aka steroids that were deemed 'not good enough' for medical use and carry the same bad sides that real steroids do (sometimes worse)

research, research, research.
proper diet and training will get you your results. at your age, PH and steroids will really do you more harm than good. wait till 25 or so. you dont wanna be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for life, trust me. You can take other supplements that will give you good gains though.

AnaBeta by PES, Prime by USP Labs, a pre workout of your choice, Creatine (Creapure or Creatine Nitrate), BCAAs (modern BCAA, iBCAA...etc), Fish Oil and a good multi vitamin would do you a world of good.

As far as test boosters go, there really is no need for them at your age, although i know you will do what you want to do. If you do, here are a few options.

IGF 2 (HGH booster/test booster), DAA (bulk or TCF 1 by PP), Erase, Free Test, HGHup..etc.

hope this helps
AnaBeta by PES, Prime by USP Labs, a pre workout of your choice, Creatine (Creapure or Creatine Nitrate), BCAAs (modern BCAA, iBCAA...etc), Fish Oil and a good multi vitamin would do you a world of good.

I think I might try several of these and see if my gains increase. Where would I buy them at?

What's your diet like? Cause for real, you are probably relatively skinny at the height and weight.

In case you just cannot talk yourself out of doing it, and some info is better than none,
One of the mildest PH's as far as sides go is/was h-drol(halodrol 50 clone). I had good success with it in about 05 iirc.I'm not sure if it's available anymore. It's about a 10lb gainer or was for me. Research it some if you must. But I strongly suggest you wait. Do to endocrine system development among other things. Research that too while you're at it..Happy lifting.

My diets not really that bad. I just need to cut down on some of the junk food.

Eventually I think I might try h-drol with CEL cycle assist. Are any OTC post cycle therapy (pct) good? Should I take anything else with it?
if you can't tell how many calories you're getting you will never see good and consistent gains.

you need to commit to your diet and stick with it to gain. eating whatever and taking steroids will leave you right back at square 1 when you stop taking them.

look stuff up in the diet section, keep a food log and you will see gains. this shit doesn't happen over night.
I don't really have diet problems. I track my calories throughout the day depending on how I exercise. The only junk food I eat is chips and I don't eat very much of it.
I don't really have diet problems. I track my calories throughout the day depending on how I exercise. The only junk food I eat is chips and I don't eat very much of it.

go to the diet section and read 3J's diet thread..he can help you tweak your diet to get the most out of your food and make gains naturally...
Do you guys have any more feedback on the Prime Labs gear? I've got some Clen from there and so far they seem like sugar pills to me. Far from real clen. Any thoughts