Need Critisizem plz


gangstr rap made me do it
-Statuses are 19yrs 5'10 175.lbs ?.bf%-
trying 2 get big but still lean need too know what is 2 be worked on, know traps are tiny, all around need more symetry, um acutally i think everything needs much more work to be done, yall can find somethings in paricular please let me know positive an negative!!
Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Military Press, Pull Ups, Dips, Barbell Curls, CGBP... That's all you need. High intensity w/ lower volume and a calorie surplus and you'll be where you want to be in no time.
that is what iwas thinking, i do not want to focus toomuch on isolation work, i basically eat everything in sight although i have very high protien diet, is that okay or would hinder growth??also i encorporate cardio as i see fit when bf seems to be getting to high, sometimes 2 hrs after weights 3-4 week but eat lots to compensate, this is okay or no or is it defeeting purpose?? whatever parts iam working on a day i always start at max. weight ican lift for one rep then lower 5-10 lbs an do until faliure, then remouve another 5-10 and continue until i just cannot lift anymore then go to next excersize, this is okay, no?? More InPut Plzz everyone!!
that is what iwas thinking, i do not want to focus toomuch on isolation work, i basically eat everything in sight although i have very high protien diet, is that okay or would hinder growth??

also i encorporate cardio as i see fit when bf seems to be getting to high, sometimes 2 hrs after weights 3-4 week but eat lots to compensate, this is okay or no or is it defeeting purpose??

whatever parts iam working on a day i always start at max. weight ican lift for one rep then lower 5-10 lbs an do until faliure, then remouve another 5-10 and continue until i just cannot lift anymore then go to next excersize, this is okay, no?? More InPut Plzz everyone!!

The high protein diet is great, so long as you're eating ample carbohydrates and healthy fats as well. Don't compromise one for the other when bulking. I generally shoot for a 40/40/20 macro breakdown when I'm bulking.

That much cardio is INSANE. How are you going to gain weight/size when you are doing more cardio than someone who is cutting HARD?? Limit your cardio sessions to 30 minutes 3x a week for general health, but please cut down on the 8 hours a week you're doing.

As far as maxing out every exercise and then taking everything to failure, you're asking to over train. I would follow a programs like "Westside for Skinny Bastards" which is specifically designed for guys like yourself who seemingly have trouble gains size and strength... You'll love it.
sounds worth try, iam gunna post my routine thing ido in the jornal section so i can get a little input to see wut kind of responeses i get before i swtich my workouts, iwill make it deatiled and also post my diet, this should help me achieve more input no??
"My Online Journal" is my spot... I've made a bunch of journals and there are a lot of guys who know the deal. You'll get some great feedback over there and if nothing else, you'll be able to hold yourself accountable every day.
Yo dude - Milk has a great suggestion with the westside workout for skinny bastards - I tried it and worked great to add thickness. You're in a great spot, nice & lean you should have no prob adding 20 lbs of muscle in the next year if you eat big & clean.

Good luck!
you got some more years under your belt until you get big...and juice is the only way to gain completely lean muscle, not even sometimes, thats why you bulk for majority of the year then cut when the time is right, make cardio minimal only to keep the cardiovascular healthy, and just eat and dont worry about look and when the time is right just go crazy and cut so you can see the gains you made throughout bulking season