My Androlean log

For your information, I'm actually cutting this month with keto diet with more or less 190g of prot and fat. And I loose about 2lbs/week. That's why I say that I'm confident with this diet

To each his own, if it works for you roll with it
Day 1/84 - Week 1/12

Start of the cycle today ! :)

Here's finally what I planned for my 12 weeks cycle :

- 6 caps AndroLean v3
- 3 caps AndroHard v3
- 2 caps AndroDrive
- 3 pumps AndroEnhance
- 2 pumps Dermatherm Gel (until the bottle is empty)
- 1 spoon of TOCO8

So, I started today. I took 11 caps on waking, put 3 pumps of AndroEnhance (1 for each upper arms/traps and 1 for pecs). Dermatherm on abs as usual since 4 weeks.

My infos this morning (after saturday night carb refeed) :
Weight : 86.3kg / 189.9lbs
Waist : 85.5cm / 33'7
BF : 14.1% (estimated with an average of several BF% formulas, even if this is not correct, it's a good way to follow something)

Followed diet this week :
- Keto diet (0 carbs on 7 days, carb refeed on 7th day from 6PM-10PM)

With or without workout
Prots : 170g
Carbs : 0g
Fat : 170g
Total kCal : ~2150kCal : I'm ~15% under maintenance

I don't want to increase my macros from the 1st week of my cycle 'cause I know all PHs are slow to take effects. From my last cycle last year, I started to feel some changes from the 3rd week (My cycle was 4 weeks long only)

My workout is based on Heavy Duty with 4 workouts/week :
On Monday : Pecs/Biceps
On Wednesday : Shoulders/Triceps/Traps
On Friday : Back
On Sunday : Legs

No cardio at all but Karate sessions on Tuesday (8PM) and Saturday (10AM). It's more intense than a good HIIT session :D

I will log workout results at the end of the week (once week workouts are finished)

My goal is to gain muscle without gaining fat. The best would be to gain muscle and lose fat in the same time.
That's why I'm starting low in calories. I will increase at maintenance next week, always in keto diet, then I will increase more than maintenance on the 3rd week with Carb Back loading protocol for the diet.

I thank all people who helped me the last weeks to plan my cycle.

I will modify and adapt my macros and my calories total each weeks in function of how I feel and how I look.
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I like how you refeed for only 4 hrs.

You are practical and do not think 24-48 hrs of pigging out will 'help you'...

Now once you get very lean you can extend the feeding period.

I like how you refeed for only 4 hrs.

You are practical and do not think 24-48 hrs of pigging out will 'help you'...

Now once you get very lean you can extend the feeding period.


I wasn't very lean before, even fat, near 20% and I'm always afraid of eating too much carbs for a too long time....

But I planned to eat much more carbs from the 3rd week of my cycle

Matt, do you propose some online coaching ?
I wasn't very lean before, even fat, near 20% and I'm always afraid of eating too much carbs for a too long time....

But I planned to eat much more carbs from the 3rd week of my cycle

Matt, do you propose some online coaching ?

When in double digits you can prolong stints of no carbohydrates and still get fluent fat loss without

hindering metabolic rate --- once you really get down there -- (in your case, maybe 12-13%)

is when I would start refeeding longer periods of time.

Yes I do online coaching

When in double digits you can prolong stints of no carbohydrates and still get fluent fat loss without

hindering metabolic rate --- once you really get down there -- (in your case, maybe 12-13%)

is when I would start refeeding longer periods of time.

Yes I do online coaching


Don't understand what you mean Matt ?
Do you say that I can extend period of no carbs up to more than week ? such as 2 or 3 ? without decreasing metabolic rate.
OR do you say that with a no carb week, I can refeed more than 24 hours without fat ?
Day 8/84 - End of Week 1/12

First week over :rolleyes:

No feelings, positive or negative, after this first week. But it's not surprising 'cause kick in starts after the 3rd week. I began to feel something with my previous PP cycle after the 3rd week. I don't know why there would be a change now :)

My infos this morning (after saturday night carb refeed) :
Weight : 86kg / 189.2lbs
Waist : 85.5cm / 33'7
BF (Average of several formulas) : 14%
Honestly, I feel leaner than previous week and I didn't loose any strength

Body evolution Graph :
Look below in attached thumbnails

Followed diet this week :
- Keto diet (0 carbs on 7 days, carb refeed on 7th day from 6PM-10PM)
For the saturday night refeed, there was :
- 125g of white rice with peas and sauce bolognese
- 2 pieces of bread (about 60g)
- 250g of beef
- 6 chocolate doonuts :eek: ... :cool:

With or without workout
Prots : 170g
Carbs : 0g
Fat : 170g
Total kCal : ~2150kCal : I'm ~15% under maintenance

Workouts of this week
Look below in attached thumbnails

For this new week, I decided, as planned, to increase the amount of proteins/fats in order to reach about 2500kCal/day, which is about my maintenance.

My new macros will be this week 190g of prots and fats, always in keto diet. So, nearly 0g of carbs until saturday night.

No karate this week. Holidays period in France.
Concerning my workouts, the program will be the same than the previous week. Always based on heavy duty.
For the weight, I increase all by 1kg (2.2lbs) for the barbell exercices and 0.5kg (1.1lbs) for the one-arm exercices. This is usual for me. If I think it's too easy, I increase weights from the 2nd serie (I hope so with PHs :rolleyes:)

So, let's rock for the 2nd week.....
6 chocolate doughnuts...regular ones or cream filled? Man I love doughnuts:)

Great detail on the log bud
Day 15/84 - End of Week 2/12

Yes I know PP is over and Androseries is out now :bawling: but I decided to follow my log all the 10 remaining weeks....

I will try from this week to notify all my feelings about effects of my stack.

Negative Side effects :
Acne : 0/10
Headaches : 0/10
Leathargy : 6/10 (especially the first week, a bit less on the second. 8/10 on the first week)
Prostate swelling : 3/10 (Sometimes woken up in the middle of the week to piss. I was sleeping all the night before the beginning of my cycle)
Irritability : 3/10
Hair loss : 0/10
Cramps : 8/10 (in the calves and thighs, very very painful in the night !)

Positive Side effects :
Strength : 1/10 (a bit stronger on few exercices even on keto diet)
Fat loss : 3/10 (diet or stack :confused:)
Muscle mass : 1/10 (feel a bit larger. just a feeling)

My infos this morning (after saturday night carb refeed) :
Weight : 86kg / 189.2lbs (No change from last Monday, -0.3kg/-0.7lbs from start)
Waist : 84.5cm / 33'3 (-1cm/-0.4***8217; from last Monday/from start)
BF (Average of several formulas) : 13.5% (-0.5%)
No change in the weight but my waist has decreased. It's a cool cool cool thing :p. For information, under keto diet (before cycle) I was decreasing my waist but my weight too !

Followed diet this week :
- Keto diet (0 carbs on 7 days, carb refeed on 7th day from 6PM-10PM)
For the saturday night refeed, there was :
- 2 pieces of bread (about 160g)
- 1 Spicy Hot One pizza (about 800g)
No desserts this time. No dooghnuts :)

With or without workout
Prots : 200g
Carbs : 0g
Fat : 200g
Total kCal : ~2550kCal : About my maintenance

For this next week, I will increase prots a little up to 270g for an ON day, and 215g for an OFF day. Fats will be about 215g for the ON day (this will be a day like the previous days during my keto diet), and about 140g for an OFF day.

Concerning calories, I will be about 2800kCal for an OFF day and 3000kCal for an ON day (10-18% more than maintenance)

I will use from today Carb Back-loading diet from Kiefer. So, this is a keto diet (50% prots/fat) during OFF days. For an ON day, this is a keto diet (+/-) up to the end of the workout and then, after, I slam the carbs :). This is clearly summarized 'cause the protocol is more complicated in details.

No karate this week. Always holidays period in France. And absolutely no cardio.... I hate this :cool:

Day 22/84 - End of Week 3/12

Notation below is 0 if there's no effect (like I'm not in cycle), 10 if there's a max of effect

Negative Side effects :
Acne : 0/10
Headaches : 0/10
Leathargy : 2/10 (especially the first week, a bit less on the second. 8/10 on the first week)
Prostate swelling : 5/10
Irritability : 4/10
Hair loss : 0/10
Cramps : 5/10 (I stopped creatine in the PWO shake and in the end of the day to help it)

Positive Side effects :
Strength : 4/10 (don't think this is the placebo effect after 3 weeks. Back and legs workouts were very fine and intense. I had to increase charges because I found them too light compared to usual)
Fat loss : 0/10 (Nothing spectacular this week - My waist increased today but I had a big good carb backloading yesterday night after legs workout)
Muscle mass : 1/10 (feel a bit larger. just a feeling)
Recup : 5/10 (feel great next morning after workout)

My infos this morning (after saturday night carb refeed) :
Weight : 87.3kg / 192.1lbs (+1.3kg/+ 1.8lbs from start)
Waist : 85.5cm / 33'7 (same from from start - Take care to the carb backload yesterday night)
BF (Average of several formulas) : 14.2% (-0.2% from start)

Followed diet this week :
Carb Back-loading :
* Day without workout : Fast until 12PM, Keto diet (+/-)
* Day with workout : Fast until 12PM, Keto diet until the end of workout, then Carb Backloading

Without workout
Prots : 215g
Carbs : 0g
Fat : 215g
Total kCal : ~2800kCal: 10% above my maintenance

With workout
Prots : 285g
Carbs : 150g (200g after legs workout)
Fat : 150g
Total kCal : ~3100-3300kCal: Up to 30% above my maintenance

For this next week, I won't make any changes 'cause I want to see how I evolved during 2 weeks consecutively.

Karate sessions from this next week. This will add a kind of cardio sessions to my cycle :)


I think the effects of the stack had appeared from the middle of the 3rd week. Feeled stronger, recup was better. No real changes in terms of weight or waist for the moment.

Day 43/70 - End of Week 6/10

Notation below is 0 if there's no effect (like I'm not in cycle), 10 if there's a max of effect

Negative Side effects :
Acne : 0/10
Headaches : 0/10
Leathargy : 0/10
Prostate swelling : 6/10
Irritability : 4/10
Hair loss : 0/10
Cramps : 0/10

Positive Side effects :
Strength : 3/10
Fat loss : 0/10
Muscle mass : 4/10 (gained muscle. sure)
Recup : 5/10 (feel great next morning after workout)

My infos this morning :
Weight : 89.5kg / 196.9lbs (+3.5kg/+ 6.6lbs from start)
Waist : 87 cm / 34'3 (+1.5cm/+1'4 from start)
BF (YMCA + 1% ... about my real BF%) : 14.3% (+0.1% from start/+0.6% from last week :rolleyes:)

Followed diet this week :
Carb Back-loading :
* Day without workout : Fast until 12PM, Keto diet (+/-)
* Day with workout : Fast until 12PM, Keto diet until the end of workout, then Carb Backloading

Without workout
Prots : 270g
Carbs : 0g
Fat : 230g
Total kCal : ~3200kCal: 20% above my maintenance

With workout
Prots : 300g
Carbs : 200-250g (more than that in reality. Too much cereals :( )
Fat : 190g
Total kCal : ~3300-3600kCal: Up to 40% above my maintenance

Karate sessions this week, give 2 cardio sessions in the week.

Changes for the next week :
No changes planned for the next week. I will try to avoid cereals 'cause I tend to always abuse as soon as I start to eat them. So no cereals for the next week!


I gained some muscle this week but fat too. It remains 4 weeks and I will stay away from cereals and always eat good carbs (cereals is not friend of carb-back loading). I'm happy of this week but a little disappointer with the fat gain. That said, it is entirely my fault. I will try to change that next weeks.....
