Need Dieting Advice


New member
I am desperate for some expertise. I have been working out for about three months now. I have been doing moderate weight training and about an hour of cardio everyday...which includes running, jump roping and a life fitness machine which simulates running. I have been on a low carb diet (about 15 carbs a day), high protien (95 grams) and low fat. My daily calorie intake has been steady around 1000.

I started off at about 32% body fat and am now down to 19-20% and have gone from 262lbs to 220lbs. I am 6' tall, but don't know my exact measurements. I can say that I am a large build. (broad shoulders and chest, big thighs and arms).

I have a bit of a gut still and am looking to put on more muscle and hopefully get down to around 14-15% body fat, and manage in the process to create some nice abs and definition all around.

What do I do now?
Please Help!

6ft tall and 262 lbs and 1000 calories?

You are killing yourself!
1. You're shutting down ur metabolism forcing ur body into starvation mode where it will store fat, not burn it

2. How the hell are u supposed to get the nutrients u need on 1000 calories?

3. How do you train and stuff with that many calories.

Firstly bro, up the calories. I would say you need about 3000 calories a day just to maintain 220lbs.

Cut about 500 calories from that and you're at 2500 calories a day
You dont need to cut food but you can excercise so you burn say 250 extra cals and eat 250 cals less (so your cardio should more than cover it)

Spread your meals across 6 meals a day
Ratios look like 50% protein 25% fat 25% carbs

so u will need

312g protein
156g carbs
70g Fat

You need fat in your body so your body functions properly. LOW FAT DIETS ARE STUPID!

Eat most of yoru carbs before the evening unless you workout at night.

Split your meals so that you consume fats and proteins seperate to fats and carbs

For example you could do:

Meal 1. Oatmeal
Protein Powder
Egg Whites

Meal 2. Grilled Chicken
Sweet Potato

Workout: (dunno when u workout but imagine here lol)

Meal 3. Post Workout Shake (50-80g High Glycemic Carbs, 25-40g Whey protein)

Meal 4. Baked Salmon

Meal 5. Whey Protein, Natural PB and Cottage Cheese

Meal 6 (same as meal 5 if u like)

Throw in some Flax oil and fish oils if u like to make up ur fats.

With good training and good eating u'll lose. U might lose faster on 1000 cals a day but there are too many consequences which you'll regret later in life. I lost alot of weight too fast and i wish i hadnt!
Thank you so much guys, the help is much appreciated...

I have more questions

I actually work out before I go to bed. Is that bad? The problem is that the gym is so freakin' crowded during the day, and my day usually starts at about 12 in the afternoon cuz' I work nights. Now, you mentioned something about having a post workout shake along with meals soon after that. How would you change that meal plan up to suit the needs of someone whose only real chance to work out is at 12 at night. I usually work out about 2 to 3 hours a day, so that gets me in bed around 3 or 4 in the morning. But, I also know that it's not good to eat right before you go to bed, so I haven't been eating anything after 10 pm. I get off work around 12 and go straight to the gym.

How do I sort that out to take in the necessary calories I need and not eat right before bed?
i workout late weeknights and finish at around 9pm. I get to bed at 11 so at 9pm i have a High GI pw shake with Whey and about an hour later a small meal of protein with a few veggies. It's working for me but I know the guys at T-NMag say , they dont care if you train right before u go to bed, straight after your workout have a PW shake.
Metrx would absorb too slowly. You want something with preferably Glucose or a Maltodextrin/Dextrose mix along with your whey

Something Like Surge by Biotest or mix your whey powder with some gatorade.
Cheapest thing to do is to get Glucose from a pharmacy or Chemists and mix it into ur whey.
Keto at 30+% (no bf% measure is real accurate when you are that big either BTW)? I think low carb/keto/CKD are only best utilized (for reasons of both overall health and ability to stick to it) when you reach a sticking point on a high pro/mod fat/mod carb diet (aka BFL diet) with a calculated caloric defecit of 400-800 cals/day, but that's just me. Here's some cut n paste rules I advise for successful fat loss though

1) If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight; simple as that. However, fat or protein calories will keep you feeling full longer than carbs.

2) Small, frequent meals keep you feeling full longer than large ones, so you are less likely to binge.

3) If the only food in your house is the foods in your diet; you won't mess up that bad. Worst I might do is pig out on chicken and pasta or something. If there is no brownies to pig out on, you can't.

4) If you screw up (eg eat a whole pizza and have 10 beers one night; I've done it) who cares? Everybody cheats on diets and screws up sometimes. Try not to deviate from the plan, but just go on with your diet the next morning. You have to view that as a minor setback, not failure. Figure out what foods you like and can eat regularly, and make a plan that includes them to make sure they are counted and help you like your diet.

5) Plan ahead (maybe the most important). I try to have quick-to-prepare meals in my diet; elaborate and time consuming ones just don't work out well and you might end up eating other more convenient stuff. I make sure I always have enough of every ingredient to my diet meals in my kitchen. You'll be amazed how easy your grocery shopping becomes when you make a plan. I would also recommend getting some tupperware to premake meals and a lunch carrier to pack full of your foods if you know you'll be gone all day.
what's "calculated caloric defecit of 400-800 cals/day"? Does that mean to take in that many calories, or what i burn? I don't quite understand that one.
iplaybass123 said:
what's "calculated caloric defecit of 400-800 cals/day"? Does that mean to take in that many calories, or what i burn? I don't quite understand that one.
That means taking in that many less than you burn... if I know I burn 2700cal/day and I eat 2200 each day, that means my caloric defecit is 500. Those #s would mean a total defecit of 3500cal/wk which should mean losing one pound per week. By "calculated" I just meant you have to run the #s for yourself.
Iplaybase this depends on alot of factors. You can estimate and monitor your weight to see how much you need or you can buy something like a caltrac and monitor your daily energy expendeture.

Without going into too much detail read the calorie calculations part here

That article is geared at bulking up. If you are looking to lean down (as you are) then read this one after you read the calorie calculations in that article

The second article will tell you how to get lean and will use the same energy estimation calculations from the first article.

Hope that helps and good luck in your quest for a better body!

You have received some excellent advice here, use it!

I just have a few random notes:

First of all, if you wanna see abs and definition, you're gonna have to drop down lower than your 14%-15% BF goal. Maybe more like 10%.

Your workouts last 2-3 hours??? That's a bit much in my opinion. An hour of weight training, plus however much time you need for cardio, oughtta do it. What is your weekly workout schedule like? How many days/week do you go? Are you doing machines, or freeweights? Do you do a whole body workout each time, or do you divide your workouts into separate body parts each day?

Mr db...

I do an hour of weightraining...just actually started using free weights. I've been starting out with 15 minutes of hard cardio...then about a half an hour of abs. I was banging on my abs every day, but I just started to do it every other day so that I can maybe see some results, also to cut my workout time down a bit. I work a muscle group out every day except for the sixth day which is dedicated to cardio and abs. To keep track of my workouts (because life is hectic and hard to keep up with at times) I work out my muscle groups in alphabetical order. Arms, Back, Chest, Legs, Shoulders. When I first started and up until last week I was using machines to get my body used to I work out by myself so it was a little easier to manage. Due to great advice everyone has posted, I've up'd my calorie count to about 2500-3000, over six meals a day. I'm still losing weight though...and sometimes it's tough to eat that much, as I get so full so fast. I've got the stomach of an infant. The 2-3 hours came from doing an extreme amount of cardio, but I've learned that an hour of cardio a day isn't necessary. (correct me if I'm wrong)

If you have some more advice on workouts, meal plans, and supplements to get me down to 10% that would be awsome.