Need feedback on cutting cycle (test e winny clen)


New member
Need feedback on cutting cycle (test e dbol winny clen)o

My first cycle was dbol only @ 40 mg for 5 weeks. I had great results. I am now cutting and would like to use steroids to maybe add some muscle while cutting and have that hard dry look.
My cycle would be
Test E @ 500 mg a week (Monday 250 mg and thursday 250 mg)
Dbol @ 40 mg ED
Winny @ 50 mg ED ( injectable )
Clen two week on two weeks of hitting the 120 mgs/day

The whole cycle whould take 10 weeks,dbol first 4 weeks, Winstrol (winny) would be the last 5 weeks.
Pct- nolva 40mg first week / 20 mg other 2 weeks

What do you think about this cycle?
Any feedback?

More than 2 years dieting and working out.
I am 20. (don't tell me AAS are bad for me I already know that)
BP- 110 kg 1RM
DL- 190 kg ~ 200 kg 1 RM
Squat- 150 kg 1 RM
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