Need feedback PCT


New member
Hi guys
I am going to start taking Sustaplex 275 and Trenbalone 100 stack for three months with a three week dose of 50 mg tren tabs at the start. During my cycle should I add tamoxifen or clomid and for PCT I have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG).
I am concerned about bitch tits I have been lucky so fare and this is my last cycle out of three.
What I need to know is should I be taking Tamoxifen or clomid from the start to finish and clean up with the hcg.

Have you not learned anything from all these proposed cycle threads you have posted lately? People have been giving you advice and you keep making these threads with ridiculous cycles. You said at the start of this month that you had already started a cycle and were looking for post cycle therapy (pct) products.