Need help/advice before starting my second cycle


New member
Hey just wanted to get some feedback and advice on my new cycle I'm going start. I'm 5'9 240 lbs. 21% bf.
I was going to run
Week 1-12 of Test Prop 100 mg eod.
Week 1-6 Anavar 80 mg ed.
Week 6-12 of Tren A.
Well what are you goals from this cycle? If you are trying to lose bf and cut then....
Honestly bro, I would try losing some bf first. You wont get the type of results you want or expecting with that high of body fat. You need to get your diet in check first, imo. Diet is the most important thing, period. Talk with 3J dude is a guru when it comes to dieting. He will make a diet tailored to your needs and wants. Do you have pct or an ai?
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Depends on his goals.. Maybe he's not a bodybuilder or interested in a fitness model look.. Maybe he's a power lifter, strong man, strength athlete, etc that's not interested in being cut with abs. Plenty of guys use gear at that bf % ... But yeah if he's looking to get that fit look, cut now, then get on cycle and clean bulk , IMO
Depends on his goals.. Maybe he's not a bodybuilder or interested in a fitness model look.. Maybe he's a power lifter, strong man, strength athlete, etc that's not interested in being cut with abs. Plenty of guys use gear at that bf % ... But yeah if he's looking to get that fit look, cut now, then get on cycle and clean bulk , IMO

I should have asked what his goals are, you are right.
Hey just wanted to get some feedback and advice on my new cycle I'm going start. I'm 5'9 240 lbs. 21% bf.
I was going to run
Week 1-12 of Test Prop 100 mg eod.
Week 1-6 Anavar 80 mg ed.
Week 6-12 of Tren A.

Whats your age? How long have you been training? I'm guessing by running Var and Tren youre trying to cut. Those will help...a tiny bit but your diet isn't right.

Whats your plan for AI? Whats your plan for PCT? A lot of gaps that need to be filled in.
2nd cycle ever, jumping on tren ace? Proclaims 240 at 5'9 and 20% bf, lol ur prob more than 20% and fat as fuck.... Let's see a progress pic bud.
Looks good if youre goin for the "powerlifter look." Otherwise I'd tighten up the diet and make cardio an equal part of my workout. Then come back in a year or atleast 6 months and ask again.