Need help after aborting my T3 cycle


New member
I am a new user here and i would like to share with you my t3 cycle.
I took T3 pill from LA pharma and it did the job and from the first day i feel heat coming out my body. My body temperature increas d a bit but that heat wave always hit me and burns me.
After 1 weeks i got acne on my whole back and shoulders. I was in my 8th week on my cycle and never get one acne but once i took the t3, it starts appearing everywhere and its not a big ace. First i thought its due to temperature and this is just kind of body reaction due to my heated body. But the dr said its an acne however i stopped the cycle and i still feel my body is heated and very warm but my body temp is normal. This is my fifth day since i aborted the t3 cycle and i am wondering if my body will get to normal when my gland restore its work?? I am confused
Appreciate your help
Mu cycle was:
Test prop 150mg eod
Primo 200 e3d
Tbal 60 mg ed for the first 4 weeks
At my sixth week i took the t3 at that time i had not single acne after 4 days the acne covered my back and my shoulders.
I am going to a dr after few days to check how i can get rid of these motherf*** acne and most probably he would prescribes roaccutane.
you have shared NO stats, age, weight, height, bf%, cycle history?
what about an ai? how did you plan on controling sides like you have had now? bloodsworks done?