Need Help Determining BF%

Brain and Brawn

New member
So I've tried to post on two other boards with as much information as I could think of an several questions...seems to me though that people answer more quickly to shorter messages. So:

Age: 25
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 240 lbs
Estimated BF%: Anywhere from 14-18? (This is a guess at best)
Total weight lost: 105lbs

I've had my BF% measured 3 separate times at my gym, but every time they tell me the same thing. I have too much loose skin for an accurate reading. I just need to know where people think I'm at, and where I should take it. I have never "bulked" per say, only ever trained in a caloric deficit. I was obese most of my life, and started training roughly 3.5 years ago. The fold of skin across my belly is from a surgery I had when I was born.

Should I consider "bulking" slowly (so as to reduce the nutrient partitioning towards fat gains), or continue to cut? I'm worried I'm still too high a BF% to do so effectively. Also, I have hypothyroidism, and am on 175mcg synthroid once daily in the morning.

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I would say more around 26-28%? But thats great you lost all that weight. Keep it up bro.
Thanks! I don't think it's that high, using pictures from other BF% help forums, I'd say I no higher than 20%. I'm actually pretty lean except in my stomach area. And I have a LOT of loose skin, to the point where I can pull it almost a foot away from my body. I do appreciate your opinion though! And who knows, maybe I'm way off target too. I actually have "some" signs of vascular it's showing in my arms and legs, although with my body hair and the light/shitty pictures, you probably can't tell.
Thanks JM750, that's exactly what I was using for a reference, along side what my capilr readings came up with. Judging from that I'd say between 16-20%, probably closer to the higher end of things. I just wanted other people's opinion, as not only is it hard to critique yourself (I always see myself as the 345 lbs I used to be), but with loose skin it really makes things difficult to judge. What would you say? And what should I maybe aim towards, bulking or cutting? (In your professional opinion)
over 25 % , but i congratulate you on a tremendous job and continue success! you sir have will power

stay in the caloric deficit, use cardio, see how much skin can recede before considering other options
Thanks Bhrees, I appreciate the input! Ok, I'll clean up my food further and continue until I'm down around 220-210 then. I really didn't think I was that high up but if that's what you guys think I've a tendency to believe that myself as well. I initially planned to do just that in the first place, but Id really like to get stronger.

It's been hard, I've been stuck around 240 for the longest time, the only time I dropped to 230 was when I initially lost all the weight and I was skinny (note skinny fat) as fuck. And with my fucked up thyroid (which I get tested for regularly) it can be a struggle. I live in a small town though, and the testing is limited to only my TSH, not my free T3 or T4. Wish I could get more comprehensive tests.

I also tend to be fairly sensitive to water retention. As a teen I was diagnosed with SEVER depression and although it was genetic and due to a very rough upbringing, a part of me also feels like I might be predispositions for low T. I've since dealt with shit but with that medical history in mind, along with a few incidences of ED, it leads me to believe Im a candidate for low T. Again, I've had my doctor test my bound T but we can't test for free T because we're so far secluded.

Can taking synthroid, even at therapeutic doses prescribed by a doc lower T levels?
Thanks Bhrees, I appreciate the input! Ok, I'll clean up my food further and continue until I'm down around 220-210 then. I really didn't think I was that high up but if that's what you guys think I've a tendency to believe that myself as well. I initially planned to do just that in the first place, but Id really like to get stronger.

It's been hard, I've been stuck around 240 for the longest time, the only time I dropped to 230 was when I initially lost all the weight and I was skinny (note skinny fat) as fuck. And with my fucked up thyroid (which I get tested for regularly) it can be a struggle. I live in a small town though, and the testing is limited to only my TSH, not my free T3 or T4. Wish I could get more comprehensive tests.

I also tend to be fairly sensitive to water retention. As a teen I was diagnosed with SEVER depression and although it was genetic and due to a very rough upbringing, a part of me also feels like I might be predispositions for low T. I've since dealt with shit but with that medical history in mind, along with a few incidences of ED, it leads me to believe Im a candidate for low T. Again, I've had my doctor test my bound T but we can't test for free T because we're so far secluded.

Can taking synthroid, even at therapeutic doses prescribed by a doc lower T levels?

Thyroid issues can most certainly cause secondary hypogonadism! What was your total testosterone last time you checked? I too would place you at about the 20% mark, but it is hard to tell due to your loose skin. I have to give you a TON of credit for not only having the ability to see through the weight loss, but to have the BALLS to post pictures on a forum full of VERY fit people. If you do have low levels of testosterone, getting that fixed will most certainly help you to lose the remaining weight, and most importantly help you to build the muscle to keep it off. Congratulations again on a job well done!
Thyroid issues can most certainly cause secondary hypogonadism! What was your total testosterone last time you checked? I too would place you at about the 20% mark, but it is hard to tell due to your loose skin. I have to give you a TON of credit for not only having the ability to see through the weight loss, but to have the BALLS to post pictures on a forum full of VERY fit people. If you do have low levels of testosterone, getting that fixed will most certainly help you to lose the remaining weight, and most importantly help you to build the muscle to keep it off. Congratulations again on a job well done!

Thanks halfwit! You made my night! :) It feels good knowing that I'm starting to become part of this community and that my efforts can be seen. Last time I had it tested was about 2 years ago. I feel though especially this last 6-8 months like I'm 35, not 25. It sucks ass lol. That's part of the reason why I thought maybe I'm ready to at least try therapeutic dosing of test this summer. I've even considered flying down south just to get my levels looked at by a professional. The expense is what's stopping me though, maybe since I'm Canadian I can get the government to pay for it (after all the taxes they take from me, its the least they can do! lol).