Need help dosing letro. Im getting wildly varied suggestions


New member
Ive heard a wide array of points of view on a safe dose of letro. Im thinking 100mcg E3D. Ive heard people say to dose it like adex and Ive even heard people say 1mg ED...which i know is crazy. I know I should get a blood test to get it completely right, but what di you guys think is a safe dose? Im running 125mg test e and 50 mg tren a EOD.
Just as a note, when I am on my normal TRT dose of 75mg Test-Cyp and 250IU HCG E3.5D, taking 0.25mg of Letro takes my E2 level from 45ish to about 20ish. The issue with Letro is its power - and since everyone is slightly different in how they respond to AIs, the power of Letro can easily crush your E2 before you can find the proper dose to take - you are all but guaranteed to do it.

Listen to Mega while on a blast, much safer. If on TRT, you can experiment and find the sweet spot far safer.