Need help fast!!


New member
Alright so I have puffy nipples that stick out to the side and they really are embarrassing, ive had them for about 2 months now after i finished my Methadrol cycle. Theres no lump behind my nipples theyre just puffy, no irritation or pain or anything like that. My question is what can i do to fix this?
i ran Inhibit E and Advanced PCT but i dont think they did their job :/.. n isnt clomid n nolva for making it so the symptoms dont get worse? i wanna completley reverse this and fast
Bloodwork is the only real way to tell if you have fully recovered from your cycle, it will show your test and estro levels, it can be done online their are some links on this site you just have to find them I don't remember the name of the place, although their are many places that do it, and I would recommend letro.
Bloodwork is the only real way to tell if you have fully recovered from your cycle, it will show your test and estro levels, it can be done online their are some links on this site you just have to find them I don't remember the name of the place, although their are many places that do it, and I would recommend letro.

iight, ill be sure to get that done, n you think itll make my nipps lesss puffy if i take letro? n if so would you recomend RUI's Letro?
Well considering the fact that I don't know if you have gyno, if you did or had the sure signs of the onset of gyno I would take letro, and rui. Should be all good . Do some research on it their is alot of info out their on the subject, good luck
im right there with you but got the little lump behind the nipple.. looking to get some advice i have herd a few things from guys at the gym
1.stat taking letro now until gone another cycle with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during and a serm in my pct novadex until gone
not really sure what to do but was wanting to run another cycle soon and was thinking if 2 would work then thats what i would do but reading on the net have never herd of anything like that.. any advice would help thanks