PLZ HELP! Maybe Gyno from MSTEN TREST What to do?


New member
Hi Guys,

I just wrapped up a 5 week MSTEN and Trest (dermatrest) 50mg cycle. I am bridging this into a 25mg Trest and LGD4033/MK677 cycle. I am bridging into SARMS to help solidify my gains from MSTEN.

I have developed puffy nipples no pain or tingle etc. but seems to be pretty puffy around areola and nipple. I was on Exem, last week i took it 12.5mg daily for a week, didn't seem to help. but still on it at EOD 12.5mg.

I want to continue the cycle. should i drop Trest completely? Should I take nolva mid cycle? 40mg until gone then continue cycle and start PCT of nolva again?