Need help for HRT


New member
I want to first start how and why i need HRt, i went to a antiaginggroup office four years ago because i had moon face (it looked like i was 250 pounds) yet i only had 16 percent body fat and weighed 170 pounds. he tested me for everything and at that time i had not done aas for 2 years. my test results were 1,300 for testorone but 90 for hgh (this is what i remember) and he said was i on steroids, so he said lets get you retested because you have high levels of test but too low levels of hgh. i got retested came back 1200 and 88 for hgh. he then recommended i do hgh for about 6 months and i did i a 2ius which only raised it to 109 ( i was supposed to be at 200).
more stuff

i couldnt afford paying 1200 for the doc and hgh so i gave up but now four years later my face and gut have gotten bigger and bruise easily and get sick quickly and dont have insurance still. i was trying to see a cheap doctor but good obviously around miami area but that is quite difficult and i wondered if any of you know of a good doctor in the miami area with adequate prices for lab testing. i am trying to get insurance through the state but am hoping to find someone who knows what they are doing without killing me on the bill. all help would be great thanks.
I want to first start how and why i need HRt, i went to a antiaginggroup office four years ago because i had moon face (it looked like i was 250 pounds) yet i only had 16 percent body fat and weighed 170 pounds. he tested me for everything and at that time i had not done aas for 2 years. my test results were 1,300 for testorone but 90 for hgh (this is what i remember) and he said was i on steroids, so he said lets get you retested because you have high levels of test but too low levels of hgh. i got retested came back 1200 and 88 for hgh. he then recommended i do hgh for about 6 months and i did i a 2ius which only raised it to 109 ( i was supposed to be at 200).

Yikes! You need a second opinion/alternitive... I'd give our HRT Chip rep a call^^^