need help! messed up on my anavar!


New member
I started a cycle of anavar 3 weeks ago and I did not stack it. I know I'm an idiot. I've been taking a dose of 40mg/day and about 4 days ago I completely lost my sex drive! I'm on the road working and won't be home for a week or week and a half. when I get home I'll have tbol, novaldex and cialis waiting for me. should I stop using it right away and wait till I get home or will I be alright continuing the doasge? how bad off am I?
I started a cycle of anavar 3 weeks ago and I did not stack it. I know I'm an idiot. I've been taking a dose of 40mg/day and about 4 days ago I completely lost my sex drive! I'm on the road working and won't be home for a week or week and a half. when I get home I'll have tbol, novaldex and cialis waiting for me. should I stop using it right away and wait till I get home or will I be alright continuing the doasge? how bad off am I?

If you were home then you still wouldn't have testosterone handy so I don't get the reference.

Any cycle a male engages in MUST have a testosterone base. Don't worry about tbol or any other AAS. You just need testosterone.

I'd stop the var, wait until you get home and start PCT. Do you have clomid as well as your nolva?