need help plannign a cycle for a massive friend

Sensei Miagi

New member
heres the deal fellas....i have a friend thats never touched any anabolics........when he started training, he was 6'6" 460lbs. absolutely huge man. when he shakes my hand he engulfes my forearms, monster melon to go with it. anyway, hes strong as an ox, all lumberjack strength....hes managed to get down to 330, and hes startin to shape up. he wants to do a first cycle.....of course im suggesting test, and maybe some dbol for a beginners cycle....but im puzzled on the starting instinct tells me to start him off low like everyone else, but with his size, im wondering if he needs to up it a little to compensate...i was gonna start him at 500 mgs/wk. im gonna try and get a picture of this man, its incredible....we work together at the titty bar, its not often that im looked at as the "little" guy, but around him i am. he wants to get massive well massiver, ant help is appreciated guys, just lookin for feedback here. be cool
I would think start him low like anyone else. He will be able to make great gains on a low dose being his first cycle. You will have to gauge the dosage by the gains made. I'd say 500mg test 400 eq or deca. Maybe kick start him withe the dbol or my favorite prop for the first 4 weeks.
yeah, thats what i was planning on doing, just a typical, effective first cycle....i was just curious, since hes cro-magnum man, if his natural test levels are high enough that he has somewhat of a tolerance.....the last thing i want is for him to get minimal results and look at me as the cause! i dont back down from many folks, but id have to consider that one :)
Sensei Miagi said:
dont back down from many folks, but id have to consider that one :)

I would make him do his own research, plan his own cycle, & get his own gear if there is a chance he would turn his back on you after you did him a huge favor.
I think he will see good results. His natural test levels won't be anywhere near 500mg/week. His first cycle out of the gate he will feel like Superman when that test hits his system.
I would question d-bol to kick start things, after him getting down to 330, not sure if you want to blow him up again?

And I do concur with your basic beginner cycle for starts, like saturn said, maybe use prop for the first 4 weeks.
thate said:
I would make him do his own research, plan his own cycle, & get his own gear if there is a chance he would turn his back on you after you did him a huge favor.

Don't lsten to THATE! He's just finished up a cycle of
-and more Drol
-Mass Quantities of Creatine
-Snacked on Slat sticks just for the purpose of holding water

and he just gave me his stats: 6'3 112 pounds.


(What's up Thate ;) )
thate said:
I would make him do his own research, plan his own cycle, & get his own gear if there is a chance he would turn his back on you after you did him a huge favor.

oh i was just bullshittin about that, hes like me...very laid back, and a good friend. SC, i thought about the D, but i was gonna keep the dosage low for the first time, maybe 30 mgs

iced- he was planning on cutting, so i had a nice fina/winny deal planned for em, but he changed his mind

thx for the advice people
Sensei Miagi said:
oh i was just bullshittin about that, hes like me...very laid back, and a good friend. SC, i thought about the D, but i was gonna keep the dosage low for the first time, maybe 30 mgs

iced- he was planning on cutting, so i had a nice fina/winny deal planned for em, but he changed his mind

thx for the advice people

Ahh, OK. Fina is not a good choice for 1st cycle because of the numerous pokes, unless that doesn't bother him. Test @ 500mg/week and winny/50mg ed would do him good.
DRveejay11 said:
Don't lsten to THATE! He's just finished up a cycle of
-and more Drol
-Mass Quantities of Creatine
-Snacked on Slat sticks just for the purpose of holding water

and he just gave me his stats: 6'3 112 pounds.


(What's up Thate ;) )

Somebody doesn't value their life :destroy: BTW, I just hit 115lbs last night. Been a longtime goal of mine.
If hes a big guy, he can change muscle and fat mass ratio nicely with:
1-10 Test Eth/Cyp 500-600mg week (FL week 1) 1-10
1-10 EQ 500-600mg week (FL week 1) 1-10
7-13 Winstrol 50mg ed (preferably inj, but oral if hes a big cooch)

these wont cause a lot of water retention, he lose excess body fat by just cleaning up diet, doesnt necassarily have to diet, and should get good strength
if i ran Anavar (var), id run it past the eq and eth, but i think 30-40mg would be more beneficial to someone smaller in bodyweight and bf, not to mention the skrilla for var.
The first thing he should to is get a physical to make sure he is healthy. Big guys sometimes have blood pressure problems. If he has decent cholestrol and bp, then you can start planning a cycle for him. You don't want your friend having a heart attack.
Wartime100 said:
The first thing he should to is get a physical to make sure he is healthy. Big guys sometimes have blood pressure problems. If he has decent cholestrol and bp, then you can start planning a cycle for him. You don't want your friend having a heart attack.

Absolutely great advice right here.
good advice folks....he did just receive a physical.....hes in the national guard, BF is a little high, if he had 0%BF, he would be 275 lbs.

since his goal is to gain size, i decided ot put him ona fairly simple cycle...the pokes dont bother him so i think some fina will be good
im thinking 500 mgs test/wk for 10
dbol the first 4@30mgs/ed
and fina weeks 6-12....75mgs ed or 37.5 ed

im kind of excited to see the gains hell get on this one, hes a mule...the man will eat 4 steaks at a time and still be craving more. thx again for the help gentlemen be cool