Need Help!!!!! Steroid Abuse has caught up to me!


New member
I am going to be 36 years old next month. My natural testosterone started shutting down when I was 26 - no prior steroid use. They never found the cause and when I was 30 my levels became so low I had to go on prescription testosterone. I was into to working out so I figured if my test is shot why not do a cycle. So I did my first cycle and put on 20 lbs. Then that lead to another cycle and another cycle, you get the idea. I would be on for a year at a time and take a month or two off in between and run my dose of 200/mg per week and then right back on. I felt invincible and looked like I always wanted to. I ran HGH, slin, T3, T4, Clen / ECA Stacks. The same year I ran my first cycle, I also tore my left Achilles tendon playing flag football. About 8 months ago I started lifting heavy and developed tendonitis in my right knee and left elbow. I took a month off and it did not feel any better so I had graston, ART, hot/cold therapy, laser therapy, natural supplements (no anti-inflammatory's) but nothing worked. The tendonitis slowly moved into every joint in my body. I had blood work done in June and my SGPT was at 68 while on a dose of 200 mg/wk. I cycled off in September to see if the testosterone was causing the tendonitis. I just had blood work done this week (12/12/11) and my total test is 38 and my SGPT is 94. I knew my testosterone would be shot even with PCT, but I did not expect my liver to get worse. In the process, I have gone from a lean 205 lbs to 180 lbs and feel fat/skinny. Other symptoms are extremely sore feet (like I have been standing on a ladder bare foot for days), severe lower back pain mostly on the right side (liver inflamed or tumor pushing on my back?) I keep getting the run around from doctors. I am scheduled to have an ultrasound on my liver Jan 9th. I know that I am not the only dumbass who as abused steroids. Can anybody give me some advice or let me know if they experienced the same symptoms? I would greatly appreciate it, I feel all alone, in severe pain and no answers.


:)I'm sorry to hear that. I've never had that problem and haven't abused them maybe to your point, but I doubt you're the only one. I would stay close to the doctor and keep getting check up, also if that doctor aint helping get maybe 2 or 3 doctors opinions. Don't give up and try to stay positive. I would take a good basic supplement list like a good multi-V,FishOil,BCAAs,Protein,glucosamine, etc. to help with energy. Also, look into Spark from Advocare it is very good for mental focus and energy, very healthy. Continue to get your bloodwork done. Look into different methods like heck even accupuncture, do some Meditation, prayer, whatever it takes to get your life back. I hope this helps. God Bless, Tony
Trt is a must for you obviously...38 will not even maintain bone mass libido or a semblence of a postive mental state.

Find a good doc, maybe a good shrink, I have one, and accept you need to take at least as much time to heal as it took to screw yourself up.....

It s hard I know...I ve had to accept 190-195 vs 210...with a bunch of mental swings.

I m right there with you.
why post cycle therapy (pct)? kind of sucks but if your test levels are bad perhaps testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as mentioned above is the only answer. or maybe a blast/cruise schedule with 200mg test while off. before you do anything, i would get blood work done. checking for liver damage. wouldn't be so hard on yourself. don't know what your steroid use was but sounds like you were going to need a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (or alike program) anyway.
you need ot stay on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at this point. and your liver could be related ot many issues. hepc, tomany orals. drinking, lifting heavy and/or not drinking enough water...

how often did you run orals and were you near the blood test? or drinking? have you been tested for STD's?