Need help to know what you guys would suggest as the best 2nd cycle option for gains


New member
Hello everyone :)

So I'm about to start my 2nd cycle in 1 months and I need help/suggestion as to what you guys would suggest in order to ensure the best results in order to gain mass while not packing too much fat.

I'm 5"10, currently at 160 with 15% bodyfat and I would aim at 180 10% at the end of the cycle.

First cycle was : 30Mg DBOL 4week followed by 500 Test E 10 week

I'm new at this and have very little knowledge, that's why I'm asking your help! Please don't judge if you don't approve of my first cycle, just help me in making sure that I get the most out of my 2nd one :)

Thank you guys!
Personally I think you need to get your goals in a more realistic perspective . You want to loose 10+ pounds of fat and put 30 pounds of muscle on in one cycle . That is unrealistic (but possible depending on genetics)

Your currently sitting at 160 pounds and 15% bf at 5'10", so you don't have a lot of LBM to begin with. If you got down to 10% bf then that would prob put you at 150-145 pounds .. You want to get to 180 and stay at 10% bf ,, that means 30+ pounds of pure LBM gain . That's a ton for one cycle .

And 'bulking' and 'cutting' to that level at the SAME time is very difficult or impossible. If you want to bulk to 180 without gaining any more fat then the 15% your at, go for it, that is realistic . Then you can cut after that ,, but don't try to do too much in one cycle , focus on ONE most important goal
If it was me I would do a simple cutter with a Eca stack or clen diet hard eat lean kill the cardio 45 min Ed in am fasting with test prop 400-500 mg a week
Personally I think you need to get your goals in a more realistic perspective . You want to loose 10+ pounds of fat and put 30 pounds of muscle on in one cycle . That is unrealistic (but possible depending on genetics)

Your currently sitting at 160 pounds and 15% bf at 5'10", so you don't have a lot of LBM to begin with. If you got down to 10% bf then that would prob put you at 150-145 pounds .. You want to get to 180 and stay at 10% bf ,, that means 30+ pounds of pure LBM gain . That's a ton for one cycle .

And 'bulking' and 'cutting' to that level at the SAME time is very difficult or impossible. If you want to bulk to 180 without gaining any more fat then the 15% your at, go for it, that is realistic . Then you can cut after that ,, but don't try to do too much in one cycle , focus on ONE most important goal

Yeah, you're right. I have a good genetic tough to be with low body fat. I know once I'll get the weight, I'll be able to cut easily. What would you recommend as the easiest way to get to 180? I am followed and have a diet, so that's not the problem. Just wondering what would help me get there faster
Yeah, you're right. I have a good genetic tough to be with low body fat. I know once I'll get the weight, I'll be able to cut easily. What would you recommend as the easiest way to get to 180? I am followed and have a diet, so that's not the problem. Just wondering what would help me get there faster

Test E - 500 mg a week 14 weeks
Deca - 400 mg a week 12 weeks
Dbol - 50 mg a day for 4 weeks - weeks 1-4

AI - arimidex - .25 mg eod week 1 - .5 mg eod week 2-4 - then (after dropping dbol) back to .25 mg eod remainder of cycle , unless estrogen sides creep up then up your dose, and also make adjustments to AI after mid cycle blood work (lower or raise dose dependent on E2)
and of course HCG and a proper PCT
and a DA on hand like Prami just in case of prolaction sides.

^ That is a classic bulk and will get you to 180 with proper diet and training no problem . keep an eye on your blood pressure DAILY (get an in home BP tester). Be aware and keep an eye on estrogen sides. Drop the Dbol asap if you run into any BP or estrogen problems (or don't run it at all this cycle and just go with test and deca). Dbol is quick in and quick out of your system.

Once you hit that 180 goal, you will be holding a bit of water, but if your AI protocol is on point you won't be holding much . you can easily shed that and then cut from there if you want. I would bet you can hit about 190 on this type of cycle . but again, keep an eye on your blood pressure.

if you start gaining a bunch of BF % while on this bulk , then just back down on your calories . But pay attention there is a difference between holding water and holding BF

Edit - the above is a tried and true bulk cycle . realizing that you've only got one cycle under your belt, the above cycle might be a bit much for you. Prob best to go with another test only cycle, or just add at the most one more compound to see how your body reacts and aromatizes
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No disrespect brother, but at 5'10" 160lbs, I take it that your first cycle didn't go well. There has to be a problem with training or nutrition assuming your gear was legit.

I would stick with test until you figure out what the problem is. My educated guess is it is nutrition.

How long have you trained?
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Personally I think you need to get your goals in a more realistic perspective . You want to loose 10+ pounds of fat and put 30 pounds of muscle on in one cycle . That is unrealistic (but possible depending on genetics)

Your currently sitting at 160 pounds and 15% bf at 5'10", so you don't have a lot of LBM to begin with. If you got down to 10% bf then that would prob put you at 150-145 pounds .. You want to get to 180 and stay at 10% bf ,, that means 30+ pounds of pure LBM gain . That's a ton for one cycle .

And 'bulking' and 'cutting' to that level at the SAME time is very difficult or impossible. If you want to bulk to 180 without gaining any more fat then the 15% your at, go for it, that is realistic . Then you can cut after that ,, but don't try to do too much in one cycle , focus on ONE most important goal

Lets get something straight right off the bat. I'm not going to predict (who can) or try to come up with a number of pounds of LMM you can or will gain here. But we should all know what the realistic possibility is and is not.

Depending on age and total length of time yrs training as well as number cycles will have a lot to say about the possible total gain at the lowest BF% during this next cycle. I have seen with my eyes and have experienced some of and researched how much weight a man can put on IN ONE YEAR. not one cycle. This is a year and he can be on and off cycle during the year, doesn't matter.

A man early on young and newbie to training can gain as much as 20 maybe 25 lbs LMM. Now all I am talking about is LEAN MUCLE MASS. As the man gets fit and he increases in sixe and maturity from training the returns start to slow. Diminishing returns so to speak. Pont when I stated at age 29-30 as a skinny ectomorph I gained 20 lbs my first year but all wasn't muscle. BF% was 12 % aprox.So I could have done better as a young man can do with diet and training proper and AAS. So in the beginning 20-25lbs mostly LMM.

Lets look at the pro's when Lee Haney was training for t his last 2-3 Olympia's he gained after diet for show prep 3-4 lbs So what's that a pound or two (2) a YEAR of REAL LEAN MUSCLE MASS. That's what we all are trying to do as well as look fuller and bigger with and without cloths.

Now you want to do a cycle and get to 180lbs at 10% BF . This as you are being told is near impossible. It is impossible. Oh you can and might get to 180lbs no doubt but not at 10%. That will take a year or more. Remember and here's where your at. 160lbs 15% so what's your LMM weight well :dunno: myself but lets say 145 at 10-11% Like Roush said and then put on, 30 plus pounds of hard n Lean pure muscle mass. Nope. What you can figure maybe ( I think) 7-10lbs of LEAM MUSCLE MASS. Now you are at 155 to 160. But put you at 12% BF and you might have your 175-180. The numbers work out IF YOU TRAIN N EAT and REST proper.
You see I am giving you the benefit of being able to gain 20 + pounds in a year. That is HUGE
This is a process that now that we do AAS it becomes one cycle after another climbing in LMM three months at a time, to really see the gains coming and then more time.

Keep in mind that there is always a water factor that accompanies the LMM surrounding , well just that, MORE MASS bigger area, thicker mass.

Always looing at the big picture as to what can you do gaining LMM in a year.
I hope this makes sense so you can look at this in a more realistic way with goals you can attain.
160 and 15% at 5'10"? You need food and a barbell, worry about drugs later. If you are absolutely determined to do another cycle, stick with Test and nothing fancy. If you can't reach 180 from proper dieting, training, and 500mg, you aren't doing something right. What does the diet and programming look like? That's the real issue here.
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