Need help w/ cycle (what products to take)


New member
ok lets say in a perfect world one of my friends can get me and sort of steroid / pct that exists.
age - 19
height 5-10
weight 175
never taken anything besides prework / protein / creatine
What would be the best / safest option? testosterone enethante + aromasin?
Any knowledge would be helpful
goal = gain 10+ pounds while still staying moderately lean , and the least amount of side effects
question = given the access to any supplement / steroid / pct what would be the safest products to take at age 19?
I heard test enethante + armosin was good but you know more than me.
any help / knowledge would be appreciated.
Safest anabolics at age 19 would be various types of food.

You've got no business injecting hormones at your age.
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Why so many threads on the same topic? The answer will always be the same.

Your test levels are about to peak and you want to shut them down with exogenous hormones? Bad idea. Focus on your diet and training and think about enhancement in 5-6 years.

Read the stickies and get details on why those under 25 shouldn't inject hormones.
Does ur mum know ur here ???
Off u go now...
There s a good laddie...

In a perfect world we d not have to read these...I think I ll abstain from bothering w any...I m 18 to 22 ---- threads. There s nothing kids hate more than nothing.... ( Edee Brakel and the New Bohemians )