Need help with blood work results

You better just tell your urologist about taking nolva, or just cancel the appointment.
Do you think you have a problem with hormones?
You better just tell your urologist about taking nolva, or just cancel the appointment.
Do you think you have a problem with hormones?

Telling him about the nolva wouldn't mess anything up? I didn't tell my doctor about the AAS use, I don't plan on it either. So he'd wonder why I took nolva. To be honest I'm not sure if I'm having problems with my hormones, my doctor said she'd refer me to an urologist because some of the hormones seemed off.
Telling him about the nolva wouldn't mess anything up? I didn't tell my doctor about the AAS use, I don't plan on it either. So he'd wonder why I took nolva. To be honest I'm not sure if I'm having problems with my hormones, my doctor said she'd refer me to an urologist because some of the hormones seemed off.

Why don't you get private blood work?

Why waste your time and money seeing a urologist for your high LH/FSH when you know exactly why they are so high? What do you think will happen when you see him/her? Are you just hoping that tne urologist is retarded and doesn't know what you have been doing?
Chargers, I'd let the Dr know that you took some test booster that must have thrown off your numbers and that you dont need to see a urologist.

In the future do your own bloods on cycle and after.... wait till all the drugs are out of your system before doing any blood work with the Dr.

Read the sticky linked to in the post above this, it explains how to get bloods done. You are just wasting time and money asking your dr to do you PCT bloods for you.
Chargers, I'd let the Dr know that you took some test booster that must have thrown off your numbers and that you dont need to see a urologist.

In the future do your own bloods on cycle and after.... wait till all the drugs are out of your system before doing any blood work with the Dr.

Read the sticky linked to in the post above this, it explains how to get bloods done. You are just wasting time and money asking your dr to do you PCT bloods for you.

Yeah I'll just tell her that I took a test booster and what not. I'm just super lost on what to do after that? Like I tell her that and just wait till the nolva is out of my system and then retest?
You just finished a cycle and PCT, there is no reason to think you need to see a DR just yet. Your bloods suggest PCT worked. Tell her you are all good!
Yeah I'll just tell her that I took a test booster and what not. I'm just super lost on what to do after that? Like I tell her that and just wait till the nolva is out of my system and then retest?

Exactky. Wait and retest. That's what guys do when their cycle/PCT is over.
You just finished a cycle and PCT, there is no reason to think you need to see a DR just yet. Your bloods suggest PCT worked. Tell her you are all good!

Let me just clarify I feel like I'm not giving you guys enough information. So I did cycle of tren and test about a year ago and didn't pct because I'm an idiot. I was having trouble getting hard, I still would but it would be way difficult, trouble sleeping, felt tired more often, wasn't putting on muscle like I'm suppose to. So I asked my friend what to do about little over ago month so he told me to do HCG and hop on nolva so I did. I did the hcg been off that for more than a month, been off nolva for about a month didn't even finish the nolva only took it for about two weeks at 10 MG a day, I just stopped because I just felt I needed to stop with the bs and just go see a doctor
Looking at your bloods, your body responded to the nolva and you have a great level of test.
Hard to say if you will have a level like that once all the nolva is out of your system, but for now your numbers are good. Are you feeling better?

If you talk to a urologist, I'd just come clean and tell him/her everything so they know whats what. Keep doing your own research too, not every urologist understands ASIH-- ie, low t from doing steroids.
There is an article here that was just posted about steroids and sex drive that may shed some light on your current state of libido. Do you have good insurance? If not, you can save a lot of money by bring your own bloodwork to the Dr. They will want to see a full hormone panel, as well as thyroid panel.
Looking at your bloods, your body responded to the nolva and you have a great level of test.
Hard to say if you will have a level like that once all the nolva is out of your system, but for now your numbers are good. Are you feeling better?

If you talk to a urologist, I'd just come clean and tell him/her everything so they know whats what. Keep doing your own research too, not every urologist understands ASIH-- ie, low t from doing steroids.
There is an article here that was just posted about steroids and sex drive that may shed some light on your current state of libido. Do you have good insurance? If not, you can save a lot of money by bring your own bloodwork to the Dr. They will want to see a full hormone panel, as well as thyroid panel.

To be honest I do feel a little better than before even though I didn't run the nolva more than 2-3 weeks at 10 mg a day. Im not as tired anymore, I feel like my libido isn't anything even close to what it was, but it's kinda there but I just have trouble getting hard. When I do get hard it's random and much more difficult. Come clean as in tell him about AAS and the nolva? Only thing with that is I don't want to ruin my future life insurance or health insurance related things. Also, for a matter like this an endocrinologist would be better, no? Can you link me the article? I really appreciate all the help, and taking time out of your day.
steroids and sex

Some Docs may keep your info private, but for the most part way to many people will be able to see your records.

Maybe the Docs at IMT, or anabolic doc can advise you on treating ASIH w/o putting you on TRT. ( see ads here)
For the most part, I think it's a matter of waiting it out... gotta get your brain used to having 500 ng/dl instead of >1000
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To be honest I do feel a little better than before even though I didn't run the nolva more than 2-3 weeks at 10 mg a day. Im not as tired anymore, I feel like my libido isn't anything even close to what it was, but it's kinda there but I just have trouble getting hard. When I do get hard it's random and much more difficult. Come clean as in tell him about AAS and the nolva? Only thing with that is I don't want to ruin my future life insurance or health insurance related things. Also, for a matter like this an endocrinologist would be better, no? Can you link me the article? I really appreciate all the help, and taking time out of your day.

While I do think cbburrr has your best interests at heart, I can't say I'd come clean about AAS or SERM use. Yes, HIPPA keeps your records confidential, but NOTES are part of your record, and ARE shared with your insurance company as they pay the bills.

Wait the couple weeks, get cialis for now, and grab a 60 dollar private blood test. IF you tank once the SERMs clear, then request the follow up.

The insurance business is cutthroat and they will use ANY discrepancy to reduce or deny benefits that you pay for. I personally do not want to give those cheapskates ANYTHING that could be used against me.

My .02c :)
Yep, it's a slippery slope! you want your doc to know that he is treating ASIH if that is what you have.... but it can be used against you by all sorts of folks.
If healthcare reform gets repealed and they can drop you for pre-exisiting conditions you could be in trouble.

back in the 90's my wife got dropped from blue cross/ blue shield for checking yes on the box "have you used marijuana"
Yep, it's a slippery slope! you want your doc to know that he is treating ASIH if that is what you have.... but it can be used against you by all sorts of folks.
If healthcare reform gets repealed and they can drop you for pre-exisiting conditions you could be in trouble.

back in the 90's my wife got dropped from blue cross/ blue shield for checking yes on the box "have you used marijuana"

Man I'm so lost on what to do, I don't even know anymore
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Chances are you will recover just fine, so give it some time. You can always get some boner pills for special occasions, just so you wont have performance anxiety.

Thanks man, I hope so. I've been stressing about this nonstop. I just feel like I might've waited too long to do something about it.