Need help with contest cycle


New member
Hi I am 38years old this is my 3 cycle of cyp. I am started dieting on September 24th for a April contest. I know it is a long way out to start dieting but it has been 14 years since my last contest and I have a have a lot more fat to lose than before. When I started my diet I was 244 pounds with a 28% body fat and within in 63 days I was down to 210 and 20% body fat. I am currently running a cycle of .5ml cyp twice a week and .5ml of trenabol three times a week together but have noticed that my nipples are staying hard all the time. Not really sore but hard. I was told it was the estrogen in my system had increased. What kind of estrogen blocker should I get or should I worry about at right now. I am going to start running a cycle of Trenabol, EQ and Masteron 12 weeks out, Monday, Wednesday Friday 1ml trenabol and EQ and .5ml Masteron Monday through Friday. Is there anything else I should be doing to add or take away. I am also an insulin dependent diabetic so this is causing me to hold fat around my midsection. I am doing at least an hour of cardio a day along with training. I am looking at trying to get down to around 178 pounds. Thanks for any all help!!!!
Hi I am 38years old this is my 3 cycle of cyp. I am started dieting on September 24th for a April contest. I know it is a long way out to start dieting but it has been 14 years since my last contest and I have a have a lot more fat to lose than before. When I started my diet I was 244 pounds with a 28% body fat and within in 63 days I was down to 210 and 20% body fat. I am currently running a cycle of .5ml cyp twice a week and .5ml of trenabol three times a week together but have noticed that my nipples are staying hard all the time. Not really sore but hard. I was told it was the estrogen in my system had increased. What kind of estrogen blocker should I get or should I worry about at right now. I am going to start running a cycle of Trenabol, EQ and Masteron 12 weeks out, Monday, Wednesday Friday 1ml trenabol and EQ and .5ml Masteron Monday through Friday. Is there anything else I should be doing to add or take away. I am also an insulin dependent diabetic so this is causing me to hold fat around my midsection. I am doing at least an hour of cardio a day along with training. I am looking at trying to get down to around 178 pounds. Thanks for any all help!!!!

brother I think people are hesitant to advise you due to the fact you are insulin dependent. no offense, we just don't know enough about drug interactions and would not want to cause you damage by poor advice. just what I suspect. sorry man. good luck with the comp.
My father is an insulin dependent diabetic. he has discussed with his doctor a lot about TRT or HGH since he is over weight and has lower T levels now since he is older. The doctor said that steroids and hgh are able to interact with the insulin fine and all that has to do with running trt. because of my career field i decided to study this issue more to help my father if i was able to. insulin is naturally produced in the body of course and all that your insulin shots are, is replacing what your body is not able to make. because of this it is ok to use an AI for estrogen control a small amount of Arimidex should get the job done. say .5 mg eod. of course with all medical conditions i would recommend consulting your doctor still but most people will not do that. From my perspective it will be safe but just make sure you have a good pct and the AI and all that you need to run a very safe cycle. you do not want to crash your e2 or test levels especially with being insulin dependent because that in combination with low T would not be good. holding the fat around the midsection is very difficult to get of if you are diabetic i will say the only way is really through diet and the cardio will help. your diet will need to be very very low carb and fats. in the case of my dad which i have helped him through to get down to a better and healthier weight. it took about 2 years of a very strict diet but he is down to about 15-18% body fat which at his age is very good and as low as he will probably be able to go. his diet consisted of 2 week cycles of zero carb or very low and low fats always high protein then the second cycle of 2 weeks was around 100-150 carbs still low fats and high protein. you still need to be at a caloric deficit to lose fat so you have to watch portion sizes of course. i hope this information helps with your situation. i also help the comp goes well. if you have any more questions i would be glad to answer the best that i can.