Need help with conversion/charts/doseage of mcg/ml/mg


New member
New to conversion of supplements for proper dosage HELP REQUIRED

I am wondering if anyone knows of a chart that deals with proper conversion rates and or formulas. As I am reading the correct starting dosage is critical. I recently purchased
Liquid Keto 30mL 1mg/mL
Liquid Albut 60mL 6mg/mL
Liquid T3 30mL 200mcg/mL

[I am trying to find out how I go about calculating the correct amount of Albut when it is 6 MG/Ml.....the reccomended dosage is 7-10 2 times a does one get the extra 4 mg to equal 10 mg....I get that one (1) ML equals 6MG, I just need to know the correct way to convert the rest as I am going to follow the advice and split the dose for half life reasons.

The T3 was suggested at 50 MCG daily but the bottle comes as 200 mcg /ml and all i have is a 1 ml syringe.....I need help making sure I am accurately doing the math and getting the correct dosage.

The Keto, has be reccomended to go smaller amounts. so since the 1 MG/Ml is standard daily dose, thought I would take .5 of ML mid day and .5 ML at night, that way getting full daily dose. Thoughts.

Any and all help greatly appreciated. Scale has me up another 2 lbs this morning so I need to start taking something tomorrow along with working out.

THank you all for helping.COLOR="#000000"][/COLOR]
Need help with Conversions for doses, Purchased some MG and MCG /ML

I am wondering if anyone knows of a chart that deals with proper conversion rates and or formulas. As I am reading the correct starting dosage is critical. I recently purchased
Liquid Keto 30mL 1mg/mL
Liquid Albut 60mL 6mg/mL
Liquid T3 30mL 200mcg/mL

[I am trying to find out how I go about calculating the correct amount of Albut when it is 6 MG/Ml.....the reccomended dosage is 7-10 2 times a does one get the extra 4 mg to equal 10 mg....I get that one (1) ML equals 6MG, I just need to know the correct way to convert the rest as I am going to follow the advice and split the dose for half life reasons.

The T3 was suggested at 50 MCG daily but the bottle comes as 200 mcg /ml and all i have is a 1 ml syringe.....I need help making sure I am accurately doing the math and getting the correct dosage.

The Keto, has be reccomended to go smaller amounts. so since the 1 MG/Ml is standard daily dose, thought I would take .5 of ML mid day and .5 ML at night, that way getting full daily dose. Thoughts.

Any and all help greatly appreciated. Scale has me up another 2 lbs this morning so I need to start taking something tomorrow along with working out.

THank you all for helping.
need help with converstion/charts/tables---MCG & MG/ML

I am wondering if anyone knows of a chart that deals with proper conversion rates and or formulas. As I am reading the correct starting dosage is critical. I recently purchased
Liquid Keto 30mL 1mg/mL
Liquid Albut 60mL 6mg/mL
Liquid T3 30mL 200mcg/mL

[I am trying to find out how I go about calculating the correct amount of Albut when it is 6 MG/Ml.....the reccomended dosage is 7-10 2 times a does one get the extra 4 mg to equal 10 mg....I get that one (1) ML equals 6MG, I just need to know the correct way to convert the rest as I am going to follow the advice and split the dose for half life reasons.

The T3 was suggested at 50 MCG daily but the bottle comes as 200 mcg /ml and all i have is a 1 ml syringe.....I need help making sure I am accurately doing the math and getting the correct dosage.

The Keto, has be reccomended to go smaller amounts. so since the 1 MG/Ml is standard daily dose, thought I would take .5 of ML mid day and .5 ML at night, that way getting full daily dose. Thoughts.

Any and all help greatly appreciated. Scale has me up another 2 lbs this morning so I need to start taking something tomorrow along with working out.

THank you all for helping.
I am wondering if anyone knows of a chart that deals with proper conversion rates and or formulas. As I am reading the correct starting dosage is critical. I recently purchased
Liquid Keto 30mL 1mg/mL
Liquid Albut 60mL 6mg/mL
Liquid T3 30mL 200mcg/mL

[I am trying to find out how I go about calculating the correct amount of Albut when it is 6 MG/Ml.....the reccomended dosage is 7-10 2 times a does one get the extra 4 mg to equal 10 mg....I get that one (1) ML equals 6MG, I just need to know the correct way to convert the rest as I am going to follow the advice and split the dose for half life reasons.

The T3 was suggested at 50 MCG daily but the bottle comes as 200 mcg /ml and all i have is a 1 ml syringe.....I need help making sure I am accurately doing the math and getting the correct dosage.

The Keto, has be reccomended to go smaller amounts. so since the 1 MG/Ml is standard daily dose, thought I would take .5 of ML mid day and .5 ML at night, that way getting full daily dose. Thoughts.

Any and all help greatly appreciated. Scale has me up another 2 lbs this morning so I need to start taking something tomorrow along with working out.

THank you all for helping.
Lets do Albuterol. First of all, it has been a while, but recall the dosage for males being 4mg three times daily every four hours. But don't hold me to thst. It has been a while since I used it.

If your Albuterol is dosed at 6mg/ml and you want to take 4mg, you have 4 ÷ 6 = .67. So you would take 2/3rds of one ml.

If you decide to take 10mg, lets do the math. 10 ÷ 6 = 1.67. So you would take one and 2/3rd ml to get 10mg.

Do you want to try and calculate the T3 and Ketotifen now to say if you get the math?

P.S. Keto makes you very tired. That is why one normally takes it right before bed. I wouldn't recommend spreading it out throughout the day.

P.S.S. remember that T3 is indiscriminate and WILL "eat" your hard-earned muscle (as well as fat).
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thank you for the merge, no idea how it did that so many times. I was actually under the impression i had been locked out somehow and wrote the admin asking why no I see where they went.

If I have done this correctly, its simply the desired dose/by the concentration on bottle. = 50mcg daily dose/200mcg per ml= .25 of ml and if going to .75, that would actualy be .38 of a ml.

The Keto, is in essence, just 1 ml then, but can you tell me from experience how harsh the effects cant be like a sleeping pill or sedative because i have to be able to function first thing in mornings........what about just using .5 of Ml as a dose.....will it still have positive properties or not enough to prevent the need to stop the 2 wk on 2 wk off cycle.

when you say The T3 will burn solid muscle as well as fat. I am calcualting roughly 9-11 lbs in my ass and thighs that has piled on in last few months, maybe 2-3 more ( yes recent # on the scale have been taken into that over all #) and I am assuming that since I have so much jiggle in there now that hopefully it will burn it off first ....I dont know but something is off with me and I am gaining like a sinking ship and I am still eating very well. The odd treat for myself but I am not a cakes and cookies girl. My demon is carbs and refined sugars.....of which the late has been replaced by sweeteners....
Thanks again for the help
Tron's right, but please don't take more than 3mg of albuterol and 50mcg of T3 the first couple days. In fact, I wouldn't go much more than 50mcg on T3 period as it's very catabolic. That may not seem a big deal now, but muscles are what drive your metabolism, and if you lose them - you will gain fat faster and have a harder time losing it.

Edit: 3mg of albuterol at a time.
Is something wrong ? How do I tell if working

Tron's right, but please don't take more than 3mg of albuterol and 50mcg of T3 the first couple days. In fact, I wouldn't go much more than 50mcg on T3 period as it's very catabolic. That may not seem a big deal now, but muscles are what drive your metabolism, and if you lose them - you will gain fat faster and have a harder time losing it.

Edit: 3mg of albuterol at a time.

So I took the dose as per previous discussion this morning of 1 ML or 6 MG of Albuterol. No night time dose.

I also did the .2 or 50 mcg of T3 .......I also did .5 of ML of Keto tonight and dont feel anything from it???

I am wondering with the Albuterol if I need the second night dose for a total of 12MG daily as mentioned in some posts, think you guys called them sticky??? saw something about 10-20 mg daily split up 2 doses becuase of half life???

I kept the T3 on the low end even though there is so much jiggle and meat on my ass, thighs and saddle bags now have come back full force.....i really want them gone but took the safe route you folks mentioned....not feeling anything, no jitters or shakes like I got with the Clenbuterol the first week I was on it( after that the stuff from USA Peptides stopped working??) I have no way of knowing if its working and or if I shold be moving up doses....can you please shed some light....seems as if you guys really do your research. Thank you again
So I took the dose as per previous discussion this morning of 1 ML or 6 MG of Albuterol. No night time dose.

I also did the .2 or 50 mcg of T3 .......I also did .5 of ML of Keto tonight and dont feel anything from it???

I am wondering with the Albuterol if I need the second night dose for a total of 12MG daily as mentioned in some posts, think you guys called them sticky??? saw something about 10-20 mg daily split up 2 doses becuase of half life???

I kept the T3 on the low end even though there is so much jiggle and meat on my ass, thighs and saddle bags now have come back full force.....i really want them gone but took the safe route you folks mentioned....not feeling anything, no jitters or shakes like I got with the Clenbuterol the first week I was on it( after that the stuff from USA Peptides stopped working??) I have no way of knowing if its working and or if I shold be moving up doses....can you please shed some light....seems as if you guys really do your research. Thank you again

It is really important that you read on how to use these drugs and listen to what we are telling you.

Albuterol has a short half life. It needs to be split up over the day. Start with 3mg every 4 hours for 9mg total per day. Don't go beyond 4mg every 4 hours for a total of 12mg per day. Take the first dose when you get up in the morning to begin your day. So dosing schedule might be 7am, 11am and 3pm. You don't want to take Albuterol in the evening as it will interfere with sleep.

Give the T3 a few days to kick in. Your thyroid needs to shut down. Monitor your body temperature. This is one way to see if it is working. You will see a rise in body temp. Getting TSH checked in blood work too will be the ultimate proof as it will show it is shut down.

What are you expecting to "feel" from Ketotifen? It is an allergy medication. It makes some people drowsy.

How is your diet going? That is where you are really going to see fat loss -- not these drugs. How much is your daily caloric deficit? And how much cardio are you doing daily? Lifting weights?

Or are you just looking for meds to get you in your dress?
it is really important that you read on how to use these drugs and listen to what we are telling you.

Albuterol has a short half life. It needs to be split up over the day. Start with 3mg every 4 hours for 9mg total per day. Don't go beyond 4mg every 4 hours for a total of 12mg per day. Take the first dose when you get up in the morning to begin your day. So dosing schedule might be 7am, 11am and 3pm. You don't want to take albuterol in the evening as it will interfere with sleep.

Give the t3 a few days to kick in. Your thyroid needs to shut down. Monitor your body temperature. This is one way to see if it is working. You will see a rise in body temp. Getting tsh checked in blood work too will be the ultimate proof as it will show it is shut down.

What are you expecting to "feel" from ketotifen? It is an allergy medication. It makes some people drowsy.

How is your diet going? That is where you are really going to see fat loss -- not these drugs. How much is your daily caloric deficit? And how much cardio are you doing daily? Lifting weights?

Or are you just looking for meds to get you in your dress?

i appreciate your continued advice even though tempered with sarcasim. I asked if there was something to look for or feel as i did when on the clenbuterol....had immediate raised core body temp and the hand shakes and tremors........none of that this time....glad to here that it will take a few days to kick in.

As for the keto, some sources have it as being super powerful while others down play it, just wanted another take on it to see.....appears my system handles this one ok.

As for diet, lots of greens, cutting carbs and sugars and pushing my water , as for exercise, yes some cardio, building up to it again.....i am still dealing with a laberal tear in my hip, surgery scheudled but not for some time, so any exercise more than a few minutes is yes i am looking for some magic in a vial, just not looking for it to be exclusive, i know that i have to do it regardless of the for lifting weights....i wish....i can curl some dumbells thats it. Anything flexing or extending throgh the hip and add weight bearing to it.....cant do.....sometimes picking up my kids literally knocks me on my ass....

Thank you for your advice... Will check back in again after a few weeks.

Much appreciatd
i appreciate your continued advice even though tempered with sarcasim. I asked if there was something to look for or feel as i did when on the clenbuterol....had immediate raised core body temp and the hand shakes and tremors........none of that this time....glad to here that it will take a few days to kick in.

As for the keto, some sources have it as being super powerful while others down play it, just wanted another take on it to see.....appears my system handles this one ok.

As for diet, lots of greens, cutting carbs and sugars and pushing my water , as for exercise, yes some cardio, building up to it again.....i am still dealing with a laberal tear in my hip, surgery scheudled but not for some time, so any exercise more than a few minutes is yes i am looking for some magic in a vial, just not looking for it to be exclusive, i know that i have to do it regardless of the for lifting weights....i wish....i can curl some dumbells thats it. Anything flexing or extending throgh the hip and add weight bearing to it.....cant do.....sometimes picking up my kids literally knocks me on my ass....

Thank you for your advice... Will check back in again after a few weeks.

Much appreciatd

Just know that T3 and Keto will not cause your hands to shake. You need to understand what these drugs do and how they work. Lack of hand shaking doesn't mean they are not functioning.

Albuterol may cause your hands to shake, but it never has for me.

Keto itself will not help you lose a single pound. You understand that, right and know why you are taking it?

You forgot to answer what your caloric deficit is at. Unless you get your diet figured out you are looking at maybe losing a couple of pounds with these drugs in the time you have allowed. You should moderate your expectations if you can't get your diet figured out given that you cannot exercise.
just know that t3 and keto will not cause your hands to shake. You need to understand what these drugs do and how they work. Lack of hand shaking doesn't mean they are not functioning.

Albuterol may cause your hands to shake, but it never has for me.

Keto itself will not help you lose a single pound. You understand that, right and know why you are taking it?

You forgot to answer what your caloric deficit is at. Unless you get your diet figured out you are looking at maybe losing a couple of pounds with these drugs in the time you have allowed. You should moderate your expectations if you can't get your diet figured out given that you cannot exercise.

thank you again, yes i read up on the keto and it will allow me to continue without having to down shift my cycle as is the case with clenbuterol.....

As for the diet deficit. Yes i am down from about 2500 calories daily to 1600-1800 depending on what shift and squad i am on and what food w have spread for my expectations...they are tempered...i would be happy to loose 10lbs now and another 10 by the end of sept....thanks again
thank you again, yes i read up on the keto and it will allow me to continue without having to down shift my cycle as is the case with clenbuterol.....

As for the diet deficit. Yes i am down from about 2500 calories daily to 1600-1800 depending on what shift and squad i am on and what food w have spread for my expectations...they are tempered...i would be happy to loose 10lbs now and another 10 by the end of sept....thanks again

Does 1600-1800 calories put you in a deficit?