Need help with dosage amounts on a 15 week cycle ( test E and tren)


New member
This is like my forth cycle and was wondering if anyone had any input on running a new cycle of test e and tren. I am trying to run a 12-16 week cycle but not sure how I want to split up the dosage per week for the maximum amount of gains. I was usually doing 1cc of each every 4 days at the peak of my previous cycles. I also run nolva at the end of my cycles as well. Was wondering if you guys could help me out and write a dosage amount list for a 12-16 week cycle whenever you get a minute. Thanks
Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %? Years training? And please list previous experience with 19-nors, AI's and DA's.
Not sure what you mean by the last questions. But stuff I've taken before is masteron, cyp, test e, tren and have always taken nolva with each different cycle.
8 percent ? B f k n shit.

Post a avi is 11-13 percent...

I don't believe you. Period.

Nolva has nothing to do w deca and tren.
Idk man I haven't tested it in awhile but I played a D1 sport and we all went in the bod pod test and that's what they said. It was the beginning of last year. You are prolly more cut then I am I'm just telling you the info they told me. Do you think you could make a sick routine for me to follow tho? I'd be willing to venmo if it's a great thought out list.
If you wanna exchange email we can do that if it's an easier way of communication. I'm just looking for some great input before I start this cycle.
Idk man I played a D1 sport and all had to bod pod test and that's just what they said. You are prolly more cut then me that was a year ago. I'm just looking for a great routined list of dosages I'd be willing to venmo for a well throughout list. And if email is a better and faster form of communication we can do that too.
Not sure what you mean by the last questions. But stuff I've taken before is masteron, cyp, test e, tren and have always taken nolva with each different cycle.

19-nors are a type of steroid that includes tren and Deca. They have certain properties to them and side effects that are unique to them.

AI means Aromatase Inhibitor. Do you use them?

DA is for Dopamine Agonist which include pramipexoli and cabergoline. Did you use them when you last ran Tren? Or have one on hand in case prolactin reared its ugly head?

Please read the FAQs Sticky below in. Y signature not you don't understand what I am talking about here. It will! Save you and all of us time.
No I have never used any of those the last time I ran tren and I have never taken any of those with any of my other cycles.
My bad on not reading the fact sheet you had below it helped clear a lot up for me and was well organized. It sounds like you definitely know a lot and would be a great resource when it comes to telling me how to run my next cycle of test e and tren. Appreciate your communication thus far.