Hey everybody, i am 24 yrs and have suffered lower t than normal but seems to have got itsel itself up to normal range according to the endo....they diagnosed me with hypogonadism when i waz like 18, but ran out of insurance and didnt get it treated....now have insurance and seems tqo have corrected itself
The lab work says total is 358, free test is 12.49(scale if 5.0-21.0), both fsh and lh levels says are normal at 6.43 and 4.77(doesnt give me a range for these)...
I have a very difficult time gaining muscle/strength and losing bf...always tired
I want to do a cycle of test but the guy thats helping me says he wants me to do hcg for 1 month and take a month off and see if i feel any different
Join Date: Posts: Jan 2011 7
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The lab work says total is 358, free test is 12.49(scale if 5.0-21.0), both fsh and lh levels says are normal at 6.43 and 4.77(doesnt give me a range for these)...
I have a very difficult time gaining muscle/strength and losing bf...always tired
I want to do a cycle of test but the guy thats helping me says he wants me to do hcg for 1 month and take a month off and see if i feel any different
Join Date: Posts: Jan 2011 7
Rep Power: 0
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