need help with my first cycle!


New member
hey guys!

as you can guess by the title of the thread I have never done anabolics before but right now I'm planing on it! My problem is: I have been searching and investigating on the subject on my own but there is sooo much stuff out there, some of it contradictory and it becomes too much too fast..So, here's what I think you guys need to know about me in order to give a hand: I'm 25, 5'6, 139 pounds(63 kg) and I've been bodybuilding for two years now with measurable gains (I was 58kg when I began) but right now I feel like I'm hitting a plateau on many muscles such as shoulders and back and I'm looking for something to help me gain 5-10 pounds FAST (but as risk-free as possible).
I'm looking for something taken orally (needles scare the shit out of me), as side-effect free as possible and cheap (80-90€/month tops). I´ve been reading about anavar and it sounds like a good fit to my requirements, what do you guys sugest? Is it effective to cycle on it's own? how much muscle should I be able to gain per month using anavar?what's the commom dosage (I'm a small guy)? Any sugestions other than anavar? I'm open to your wisdom guys!! hehe

Thanks in advance
Are you male or female?

Anavar-only cycles are for women. Oral-only cycles are for women for that matter.

Edit: just saw you said you are a small guy.

You can't run an oral-only cycle. You need to be injecting testosterone. Orals shut down your testosterone so you need to replace it while using them. You are going to have to get over your fear of needles.

Sounds like you need to work on your diet and training methods. Only gaining 10 pounds in 2 years isn't all that impressive. I am not trying to be mean. It is just that you are likely not platuead yet.
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Get hold of 3J here. He has helped countless guys get their diet (and training) in line. You should see his ad on the right hand side of your screen.

He will put some mass on you in no time.
thanks for the reply! Yeah i know 10 pounds in 2 years is not impressive at all but my job is really time-consuming and I almost never have an entire week of proper workout, sometimes I don't have the time to workout for an entire week. and don't forget im 60kg, I'm proably not gonna gain as much in a given time period as a 100kg guy would right? Besides, I don't work legs because I allways used them much more than my upper body and therefore have overdeveloped legs compared to my upper body. that being said, i do train hard and heavy and I have seen great gains in my chest, triceps and traps for example, as for the other muscles not so much...I know my workout regimen (and diet) are not great, but the truth is that I find it really hard to improve them because of my job, but I still want big shoulders and back! so yeah i'm looking to cut some corners to get there faster. What would you recomend to a guy in my situation?
Groceries. My recommendation to a guy in your situation would be groceries. Without calories, you won't grow. The end.

Take the money you were going to waste on Anavar, and pay 3J to set your diet.
thanks for the reply! Yeah i know 10 pounds in 2 years is not impressive at all but my job is really time-consuming and I almost never have an entire week of proper workout, sometimes I don't have the time to workout for an entire week. and don't forget im 60kg, I'm proably not gonna gain as much in a given time period as a 100kg guy would right? Besides, I don't work legs because I allways used them much more than my upper body and therefore have overdeveloped legs compared to my upper body. that being said, i do train hard and heavy and I have seen great gains in my chest, triceps and traps for example, as for the other muscles not so much...I know my workout regimen (and diet) are not great, but the truth is that I find it really hard to improve them because of my job, but I still want big shoulders and back! so yeah i'm looking to cut some corners to get there faster. What would you recomend to a guy in my situation?

Adding AAS to this is not going to magically put muscle on you -- nothing noteworthy anyhow. You need to get everything else dialed in before AAS will do you any good. It isn't a magic elixir that puts a pound of muscle on you every time you inject a ml into your glute.
I was a small guy too.. 147 lbs.
After 6 months of eating big, training big, and injecting testosterone, I got past 180+ lbs..
That would NOT have happened taking var or oral only.. Inject test (ie if your dead set on running gear)
thanks for the reply! Yeah i know 10 pounds in 2 years is not impressive at all but my job is really time-consuming and I almost never have an entire week of proper workout, sometimes I don't have the time to workout for an entire week. and don't forget im 60kg, I'm proably not gonna gain as much in a given time period as a 100kg guy would right? Besides, I don't work legs because I allways used them much more than my upper body and therefore have overdeveloped legs compared to my upper body. that being said, i do train hard and heavy and I have seen great gains in my chest, triceps and traps for example, as for the other muscles not so much...I know my workout regimen (and diet) are not great, but the truth is that I find it really hard to improve them because of my job, but I still want big shoulders and back! so yeah i'm looking to cut some corners to get there faster. What would you recomend to a guy in my situation?
false sir. Gains actually get harder the bigger you get. Small guys who are new to lifting get "newbie gains" where they put on muscle fast. I gained 40lbs in my first three years. The gains come slow now but little adjustments to your training and diet can help you break plateaus. I think if you keep the intensity up and add in some calories to that diet you will pack on some more weight. Bring food to work and slam a sandwich whenever you get 5 minutes. have a protein shake/bar. if u have a minute, choke down some food. you will grow. No gear for now is my advice.
o ya....and WORK THOSE LEGS lol. I've found my body grows better as a whole rather than in pieces. If i slack on legs, the rest of my body slacks as well. If i work everything equally as hard, everything grows.