Need help with restarting nat test after PH cycle


New member
So I guess I have been posting in the wrong directories, but I have had this up in the Pro-Hormone and Anabolic Steroid forum to see if anyone could help

So here is my story, it is a long one so please bear with me.
Three months ago I started a thread on here about how I did a cycle of Mdrol (pro-hormone) a year ago and my test levels were down to the ground (402 to be exact), now 3 months later I got another test done
my Total testosterone level dropped: 390
reference range 300-1080
my free testosterone levels are:71
reference range:47-244
Estradiol 18.7
Estrone 15
Total estrogens: 33.7

I really want my old libido back, can someone please help me? Any suggestions on a jumpstart program? Someone suggested using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Tamoxifen for a 4 week cycle to get it jumpstarted back, and someone else said a cycle of Testosterone ( I dont buy into doing the one of testosterone, but I am open to any ideas)

Please guys, if you can help me out, any suggestions at all would be of great help!!!
My Doctor, a general practitioner, suggested TRT....I want to avoid this at all COSTS!!!! I really hope I can kickstart my body.

I am attaching the link to the original thread from 3 months ago that has the backstory of what happened and peoples responses then:
Were you not on the Tamoxifen or a post cycle therapy (pct) after your cycle? Since you've been off have you been on any kind of natty test booster before you make the jump to a test cycle?
Were you not on the Tamoxifen or a post cycle therapy (pct) after your cycle? Since you've been off have you been on any kind of natty test booster before you make the jump to a test cycle?

I did do a post cycle therapy (pct) after the cycle, it did not include Tamoxifen though. My post cycle therapy (pct) I started immediately afterward I stopped taking the ph was for 6weeks long, which consisted of: Milk thistle, Formadrol extreme, and Tribulus(nat test booster)
Noticed sex drive took a bomb so 3 months after I purchased ZMA, took that, and another natty test booster a few months after that (tongkat ali)
No avail :(

This was the original post I wrote 3 months ago with all of trials and tribulations I went through:
"Ok so the following is a bit complicated so bear with me. Around June of last year (2010) I decided to try my first cycle of anything, I opted to go with Mdrol, and I hate to admit it against the recommendations of other users in this group. I took it for 6 weeks, and then I did a post cycle therapy (pct) immediately afterward for 6weeks which consisted of: Milk thistle, Formadrol extreme, and Tribulus (higher power nutrition brand). I noticed afterward my sex drive was extremely low, and I felt depressed all the time, along with my pecs felt saggy. So I gave my body about 3 months to work through it itself, to no avail still same symptoms. No morning wood and I was lucky to be able to get a woody once a week! and it was a weak one. So I went online and I ordered ZMA. While taking it I noticed my libido went up a little but not where it should/normally be, and as soon as I stopped taking it, libido went back to square one. So now around December/January I purchased clomid off of someone and did it for 2 weeks stacked with some Tongkat Ali (similar to tribulus) and my libido felt a little better for a few weeks after that, but then it dropped again. Took off from everything again letting my system recoup and it got a tiny bit better, but again no where it should be. Finally went to the doctor at the begining of March and got blood work done, today I went in to go over it with her and my test level, although in the normal range she found it to be low. 402 to be exact."
-this was the original post 3 months ago stating everything I had done.