Need help

Do you know anything that i can get over the counter like a test booster or something at a pharmacy because im 100% sure i wont be able to get that stuff because of other problems. Like test booster at supplement stores if they will di anything and or anything at a pharmacy... Thanks
How can u get AAS but not pct material? Someone else will have to pipe in with this over the counter stuff.
I don't know of anything. U should stop your cycle then. The less time your shut down the better chance of recovery
just go to a locally owned nutrition place, not like GNC or anything, and ask them about test boosters. some of them even say on the back "for post cycle uses" i know that they exist because thats the post cycle therapy (pct) they use for over the counter prohormones. Wont wont as well and clomid/nolva, but i guess its better than nothing. Use google and do some research too.
Ask the guy who got you the juice to get you some Clomid and Nolva I'm sure he can order it... and you'd have it within a week instead of trying over the counter shit that isn't really going to work. Or ask a friend to order it.
So just clomid and nolva? How would run this after this cycle. Im doing .5cc tnt on sunday then the next week .5cc of deca and keep rotating like that for 10 weeks. Wouldnt this low amount not screw me over as bad? Just asking but also if the worst scenario happens and i cant get post cycle therapy (pct) will i still be normal and be able to have kids and good health? Thanks