Need info about side effects!


New member
Test cycle sides.. need info..
Ok, this is my first cycle. I'm 36 201lbs.
I used a handheld device to measure bf and it said 18%. Dont think its right though. My current cycle is test suspension and winstrol suspension 50mg each ed for 8wks. On wk 5 i added test e at 250mg twice a wk for an additional 10wks. At wk 8 i came off the test suspension but kept the test e and Winstrol (winny). Ok its now wk 10. Now its just test e 500mg/wk and Winstrol (winny) 100mg/eod.
SIDES: I've 0 libido, now for a while, and soaking night sweats and my face stays red and feel hot. What do i need to do to solve these sides?
Your estrogen level is too high, that's why you have 0 libido, red face & feel hot. You need to add .25 arimidex ED and 20 mg nolvadex ED from now on 'till the end of PCT.
start arimadex at .5mg/day till ur estrogen is under control then u can back it off to eod then e3d till end of cycle. Ur bp is likely very high from to much E. U can help lower that by dropping sodium, raising potassium( bananas) and throw in some cardio aswell, half hr 3-4 days a week. This ^ should square you up bro. Goodluck