Need Input on Deca - 1st Cycle

First time back on this thread since May. TimeaJr. you pretty much experienced exactly what I did. I definitly chose the wrong AS for a first cycle. As a matter of fact I will never use it again. Had change in voice, clitoral swelling, major water retention and gained 12 lbs. I will say the muscle mass gain was unreal! but looked bad on me because I am short and I looked like a pit bull! Girls out there who are considering this... beware. this is some serious shit! My voice is still not back to normal. Sooo... goin with the Anavar.

Good luck all... Love AZGirl
In just starteed my cycle of deca last week at 60mg every week. The first week i noticed increased energy and strength. After a while, I noticed that I was becoming extremely agitated at the smallest things, and didnt really like my temperament, so the second week, I've done only 30mg. I havent really bloated that much that I can tell, of course aunt flo's been around, so it would be hard to tell. But I think last night was to be my last injection. I'm going to continue my cycle with 5mg anavar ed. I did a cycle with it before and things went pretty well....freakette