need new idea's


New member
alright so i'm 18 years old and i wiegh 200 pounds i can only bench 225 3 times, i've been taking nytro fusion creatine for 5 months now and it has work way beyond what i expected but i want to yake my work out to another level and i want to do it through taking another kind of creatine or a T booster, or a steriod if i have to o i need some idea's on what to take.
you dont need to take anything to get you bench up. at 18 you test is already at the high end less you got natural low test levels. if you got girls on the mind all the time then you test is fine. PM me what you doing to get a bigger bench with your current routine and we'll get ya moving. also where is your sticking point in your bench. bottom, mid way or lockout?

maybe one of the mods will move this to the training forum.