Need PCT advise for a low Test E cycle [250MG per week]


New member

I am planning my first cycle after 3 years of HIIT and about a year of lifting. This forum has already helped out a lot and am sure you guys can help out with this.

I am planning a very low dose of Test E [250MG per week]. Pre-cycle blood work says im on the low end [9.9nmol/L] of the spectrum but deffo do not qualify for TRT.

I have Arimidex on hand, just not sure when to start it during the cycle, if at all.

Also below is my PCT plan, 2 weeks after my last Test E shot. I would greatly appreciate the constructive criticism

clomid 50/50/25/25 [on hand]

nolva 40/20/20/20 [on hand]

arimidex [not sure about dosage but on hand]

mk-2866 25 mg day [Is this crucial?]

gw-501516 20 mg day [Is this crucial?]

Thanks guys!
My personal opinion is you are wasting a cycle by only doing 250mg a week. 400-500mg a week is better.

That being said an AI should be taken from the beginning of the cycle. Since you are going to be on such a low dose it would be hard to say what dose you should take. Body fat takes a role and so does how your body aromatizes. If you are dead set on taking only 250mg of test(waste of time) then I would take .25mg 1 da a week. Probably the day you pin at the beginning of the week. after about a month get blood work and adjust from there.

If you go 400-500mg a week I'd do .25mg twice a week then adjust after 4 weeks.

Just my thoughts on the matter you really need to start reading and learning about aas before you do anything.


Thanks for the heads up! I've done my fair bit of research and I was quite sure about using just clomid and nolva for PCT, but then I saw an article mentioning mk-2866 25 mg / day and gw-501516 20 mg / day. I was just asking if this is a requirement.

My personal opinion is you are wasting a cycle by only doing 250mg a week. 400-500mg a week is better.

That being said an AI should be taken from the beginning of the cycle. Since you are going to be on such a low dose it would be hard to say what dose you should take. Body fat takes a role and so does how your body aromatizes. If you are dead set on taking only 250mg of test(waste of time) then I would take .25mg 1 da a week. Probably the day you pin at the beginning of the week. after about a month get blood work and adjust from there.

If you go 400-500mg a week I'd do .25mg twice a week then adjust after 4 weeks.

Just my thoughts on the matter


Thanks for your input! Greatly appreciated.

Basically i'm set on 250mg/week because my natty test levels are so low, and i've seen many people do very well on their first cycle with just 250mg/week. Also, since my body is used to the low test, I want to see how it reacts before going over 250mg/week.

I've had people suggest to hold off using AI until PCT due to how low a dose im pinning, but after doing alot of research i am not really considering it. All your inputs are greatly appreciated!

I'll give you my take since I did a similar thing for my first cycle - low test dosage.

I'm going to side with SJC on this one, any amount of test over 100 mg/wk will shut you down completely, and that doesn't come without some costs - like potential HPTA damage, shrinking balls, potential impact to fertility, need to PCT, etc.

I did it (lose dose test) because I wanted slow and steady gains, and didn't want anybody to know what I was doing. It worked, gains were very slow but there, recovery was much improved. A positive impact, but again need to weigh it against the costs of being shut down. My attitude has now changed and I'm in favor of higher doses, most I've taken to date is 300 test / 600 deca per week, which is much more effective.

For AI, at 250 mg/wk you should be very careful, and consider taking a very small dose. Like maybe 0.125mg E3D.
I'll give you my take since I did a similar thing for my first cycle - low test dosage.

I'm going to side with SJC on this one, any amount of test over 100 mg/wk will shut you down completely, and that doesn't come without some costs - like potential HPTA damage, shrinking balls, potential impact to fertility, need to PCT, etc.

I did it (lose dose test) because I wanted slow and steady gains, and didn't want anybody to know what I was doing. It worked, gains were very slow but there, recovery was much improved. A positive impact, but again need to weigh it against the costs of being shut down. My attitude has now changed and I'm in favor of higher doses, most I've taken to date is 300 test / 600 deca per week, which is much more effective.

For AI, at 250 mg/wk you should be very careful, and consider taking a very small dose. Like maybe 0.125mg E3D.

Thanks for the suggestion! greatly appreciate. What do you think of 0.25mg EW (2 days after test e pin) for AI? I will definitely do bloodwork a month after my first jab.

No way for me to know, you will have to try and find out. For adex the half life will work ok for E3D dosing, once a week I don't think I'd try
Hey Guys!

Well i'm in week 10 on Test E 250mg/week. Gains are pretty solid. Gained a good 9 pounds, and size throughout every muscle group. Last jab was @ week 9 and I plan to start Clomid and Nolva @ week 12. What would be the best dosage of clomid and nolva considering I was running 250mg / week Test E?

You're assistance is greatly appreciated.
Hey Guys!

Well i'm in week 10 on Test E 250mg/week. Gains are pretty solid. Gained a good 9 pounds, and size throughout every muscle group. Last jab was @ week 9 and I plan to start Clomid and Nolva @ week 12. What would be the best dosage of clomid and nolva considering I was running 250mg / week Test E?

You're assistance is greatly appreciated.
thanks for the update man, have you done any primary bloodworks yet?