Need post cycle insight - Recovery time vs. extended cycle


New member
Hi All,

I'm 32 years old, 5'7", 192 lbs. Just finished week 11 of my first cycle (Test E 600 mg/wk). Was only planning to go 10 weeks, but had enough Test left to go longer. I was planning to blast HCG in a few days, and then on to Nolva and Clomid.

Just found out an old flame of mine is coming to stay with me in 2 weeks, and now I can't decide if I should extend the cycle, or just get off and hope PCT goes well. I don't want to keep extending the cycle, but I can't afford to be a slouch when this girl comes to visit. Can anyone share some specifics on how I should feel as far as libido is concerned, and how long until libido should return if I go off today? My sex drive had dropped fairly low before I started this cycle.

I have some Cialis on hand as well. Worst case scenario, if I'm fully shut down, will I still be able to get the job done with Cialis? Any personal experience would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
I would stay on. Your dick will probably work in PCT anyway, especially so with Cialis, but no way will you have the same drive/passion as on cycle. If your looking to impress, I'd say deffs stay on. Just remember you gotta come off at some point though.
Extend.. Cialis with high total test results in several hr long sessions, shooting multiple loads yet still staying hard the whole time.
If your worried about the amount of gear you have u could just drop your dose to a maintenance level and still be just fine