NEED Pro Help on Test Propinate cycle


New member
So It's been a few years since I have done a cycle. I have 3 cycles under my belt. I'm older now. 40 years old. Been eating clean for a month now. Have some test prop on hand and was going to do 8 weeks at 125 eod and was going to run hcg thru just a simple one. But now thinking of going 10 weeks at 150 eod. also thinking about adding tren ace maybe. But not sure If I want the teen sides. Please reply with experience.
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Skip the tren until you have a bit more experience in my opinion. 10 weeks at 450mg of prop is fine, but you forgot to mention your AI and PCT. Those are just as vital if not more so than the cycle itself.

Also, please do yourself a favor and get a private blood test before you start. Too many guys jump in, feel amazing - then wonder what went wrong when they come down. The answer is typically that they had low T to begin with and didn't know it.

My .02c :)
personally, I'd run something more like this..

Test Prop - 150 mg eod for weeks 1-6
Test E - 500+ mg a week weeks 1-10 (preferably dosed in a 300mg/10ml bottle).

why would i do this instead of just test prop for 10 weeks.. you'll get as much out of this cycle with way less pinning.
personally, I'd run something more like this..

Test Prop - 150 mg eod for weeks 1-6
Test E - 500+ mg a week weeks 1-10 (preferably dosed in a 300mg/10ml bottle).

why would i do this instead of just test prop for 10 weeks.. you'll get as much out of this cycle with way less pinning.

Totally agree with Roush. Steer clear of tren for now. So many other things to try first. This would be like learning to ride a 125cc dirt bike and then jumping on a ZX14 and expecting not to kill yourself. Not that tren could kill you. But if you don't know what your doing it will make you feel like you want to die.
Your 40!!! I say go for it. If run it like this

16 weeks Prop 150 EOD
Tren 1-12 E3D
Maybe kick it with oral weeks 1-4

You say you have 3 cycles so I'm assuming
Your serious about the sport. If not, your original is fine. But i personally always love kick starting with something.
Ok i was trying to get your tren ill be honest worst that can happen is you might act like a jerk, you could lactate if yourr a dumbass and let estro get high enough to where you could get prolactin issues , night sweats, insomnia tren cough maybe, Gain all kinds of strength build muscle lose fat at the same time, look dry ass fuck, look good as fuck and possibly cheat on your wife cuz youve drastically changed into a tren sex machine, and all kinds of attention from chicks out in public i know these things sound horrible so think about it lol
Question on the 10ml Test Prop vials... Are they single use or multi use?

Obviously single use means its going to be sat in the pin for quite some time which isn't idea... I can't tell whether my pharma source is multi use or single use 10ml vial
Question on the 10ml Test Prop vials... Are they single use or multi use?

Obviously single use means its going to be sat in the pin for quite some time which isn't idea... I can't tell whether my pharma source is multi use or single use 10ml vial

I don't really understand this. A vial is a vial. I guess to answer your question MULTI use-
If it's a 100mg/10ml bottle of test prop.. Then you just draw out what you need when you need it..
For example - draw out 1.5 ml every other day and inject