Need serious help, low T from epistane


New member
I was naive and last july I started a 4 week epistane cycle at 40 mg for 4 weeks followed by 2 weeks of pct with nolvadex, I tried it again a few months ago with the same dose with 2 weeks of nolva. I have had some serious issues sexually, and I had my blood done. I am 191 on a 300-890 ng/dl range. The doc wants to redo my blood work but I know it is from the epistane. What can I do?? I am 23 years old.
I usually do twice my bloodwork when I have doubts...

I was naive and last july I started a 4 week epistane cycle at 40 mg for 4 weeks followed by 2 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) with nolvadex, I tried it again a few months ago with the same dose with 2 weeks of nolva. I have had some serious issues sexually, and I had my blood done. I am 191 on a 300-890 ng/dl range. The doc wants to redo my blood work but I know it is from the epistane. What can I do?? I am 23 years old.
I was naive and last july I started a 4 week epistane cycle at 40 mg for 4 weeks followed by 2 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) with nolvadex, I tried it again a few months ago with the same dose with 2 weeks of nolva. I have had some serious issues sexually, and I had my blood done. I am 191 on a 300-890 ng/dl range. The doc wants to redo my blood work but I know it is from the epistane. What can I do?? I am 23 years old.

I hope you tested yout T-levels BEFORE touchign the aas, or you will not know what your "normal" levels are!

never run oral without test base, or any aas for that matter...

how long after post cycle therapy (pct) did you have bloods done? it can take months to recover. just because you finish a post cycle therapy (pct) does NOT mean you are recoverd, not that simple. post cycle therapy (pct) is just to HELP recovery.
I also rec waiting till age 24-25 since you are not finished development till this time. but at 23 i guess your pretty much there. atleast its not 20