Need Sleep

Melatonin works for me. 3mg is all I need.
Oh, and I also use ZMA(not the two together though). ZMA seems to help me get a more restful sleep. I don't like to use Melatonin all the time as I sometimes feel like shit when I wake up if I take it too late. So, my later nights, I use ZMA and that seems to work for me.
Gaba is Gamma Amino Butyric Acid. I think its just been banned together with the Andro/19-Nor products here in the U.K. Our supp co's can sell their existing stocks however, so I've just stocked up.

The main use of GABA is its ability to aid the body dump out Growth Hormone. As you're probably aware, the body produces the most GH when we sleep (deep REM sleep). GABA is good at helping you achieve quality REM sleep therefore maximising the windows of opportunity for the production of GH. You also wake feeling refreshed and like you've had more sleep than you actually have had.
Fyre said:
Melatonin works for me. 3mg is all I need.
Oh, and I also use ZMA(not the two together though). ZMA seems to help me get a more restful sleep. I don't like to use Melatonin all the time as I sometimes feel like shit when I wake up if I take it too late. So, my later nights, I use ZMA and that seems to work for me.
damn i hate it when shes right :D , try fyres advice snowman , melatonin is inexpensive [ the sublingual is a little higher but better imo ] and zma is also a good supp for men to take whether in need of sleep or not
DADAWG said:
damn i hate it when shes right :D , try fyres advice snowman , melatonin is inexpensive [ the sublingual is a little higher but better imo ] and zma is also a good supp for men to take whether in need of sleep or not
melatonin gave me major headaches, but that's me. i have also tried ambien and sonata. ambien worked at first, but quickly wore off. sonata was ok. whatever you decide, keep timing and frequency in mind
ZMA or the one I specifically took ZMass really helped me. I have problems sleeping too (I blame all these boards and the addictive witty banter) and everytime I take that, I gradually slip into slumber land and wake up refreshed. Like a newborn baby.....after an hour of breast milk buffet.....and a butt scrubbing. Mmmmm....I'm tired.