need some advice on altering cycle


New member
Hi Guys

Someone I know past on a cycle to me that would help further my size building, It looks a good cycle and this isn't the problem, the thing is I have 2x10 shots off deca and same for Test cyp and woundered if I could use these in here instead off anything that's in the list as it would save a few pennys as I already have these left from a previous cycle that I bought too much.

Any help always appreciated

750mgs Sustenon OR Enanthate EW for 10 weeks

300mgs Test Propionate EW for 14 weeks

5000mgs Boldenone EW for 10 weeks

50mg Dianabol ED for the first 6 weeks then cease (front load)

300mg Tren Acetete EW (last 4 weeks of cycle – weeks 10-14)

50mg Oral Winstrol (last 4 weeks of cycle – weeks 10-14)

400mg Masteron (last 4 weeks of cycle – weeks 10-14)

Shoot every MON/WED/FRI – Alternate the deltoids, quads (if you can bear it) and the glutes.
Hi Guys

Someone I know past on a cycle to me that would help further my size building, It looks a good cycle and this isn't the problem, the thing is I have 2x10 shots off deca and same for Test cyp and woundered if I could use these in here instead off anything that's in the list as it would save a few pennys as I already have these left from a previous cycle that I bought too much.

Any help always appreciated

750mgs Sustenon OR Enanthate EW for 10 weeks

300mgs Test Propionate EW for 14 weeks

5000mgs Boldenone EW for 10 weeks

50mg Dianabol ED for the first 6 weeks then cease (front load)

300mg Tren Acetete EW (last 4 weeks of cycle ***8211; weeks 10-14)

50mg Oral Winstrol (last 4 weeks of cycle ***8211; weeks 10-14)

400mg Masteron (last 4 weeks of cycle ***8211; weeks 10-14)

Shoot every MON/WED/FRI ***8211; Alternate the deltoids, quads (if you can bear it) and the glutes.

first off what is your stats

training history
cycle history

i would completely throw that cycle out the window asap.. you have A LOT of reading to do.. even your injection timing is messed up

you have compounds that necessarily should not be ran together, also you do not mention an AI or PCT..

until you give me that information i am not going to help, and with a cycle like this i'd really like to see a picture of your physique as of right now..
this cycle was put together for me by a ifbb pro so im sure he would know what hes doing or hope to be doing anyway.

5ft 10
14st 4lb
bf 20%
been back training for the past 2yrs after a lay off off 10yrs
done 3 cycles in the 2 yrs that ive been back and they have been test cyp, deca and dbol, in these cycles I also had proviron and nolva

Did cycles many yrs ago with sust/deca, dbol
this cycle was put together for me by a ifbb pro so im sure he would know what hes doing or hope to be doing anyway.

5ft 10
14st 4lb
bf 20%
been back training for the past 2yrs after a lay off off 10yrs
done 3 cycles in the 2 yrs that ive been back and they have been test cyp, deca and dbol, in these cycles I also had proviron and nolva

Did cycles many yrs ago with sust/deca, dbol

ya put together by an IFBB for an IFBB pro... and i bet you the pro isn't a real pro but i won't argue that...

your at fucking 20%bf 14st4lb ?? whatever that means... and your planning on running a very hard core cycle that noone i know would run with stats like yours..

your supposed friend is an idiot
I agree w/ Chicago. If you need to follow another's foot steps blind then you should not cycle and wait until you know what you are doing. You left out so much as was said. Also since you haven't done any for a while Test only would benefit you the most.

I have years of experience and many cycles and one of my better cycles was Test ONLY. Now I was doing big doses and I don't recommend but Test is great. Then your BF% is too high. Go natural and get your training and diet together and lose some BF before. If you can't do that natural you will never do a beneficial cycle to it's potential.

Educate before you medicate. Learn the basics first. Even if you have done a cycle or two in the past, did you really know what you were doing or stabbing your whatever with anabolics.

I'm being a little rude so I'll back off but you don't sound like you are knowledgeable.

Read up while you get it more together and ask Q's about what you read.