Need some advice on my new cycle


New member
I just ordered a Euro-Pharma cycle from P.S.L and am waiting for it to come in. I ordered 4 bottles of Equipoise 250 and 4 bottles Tes Cyp 200 and 250 Turanabol pills I'll b running the T-bol at 40mg a day for 8 weeks and the test at 400mg per week for 14 weeks and eq at 600mg per week for 14 weeks and will b running Arimidex with cycle and Clomid for PCT. Thos will b cycle #8 for me just wanted to see if I have all my ducks in a row and what the veterans on here think about it and I am open any and all advice and suggestions.
I'm 5'10 198 pds and i'm 29 yrs old and yeah I had blood work done everything was good my test level was 713. My goals are to gain at least 10pds of lean muscle and yes I know that probably has u laughing at me but that's what I want and as far as my pct goes I'm gonna run clomid and I'll b running Arimidex with my cycle
Run test 2 weeks longer then eq. 8 weeks of an oral is tuff on the liver. Nac and cut your weeks down to 6. Your pct sucks. Get nolva with clomid or run toremiphene. Yea, 10lbs is laughable...
Yeah it's laughable but one can dream LOL :-D thanks for the advice I will definitely add the nolva and run the test 2 weeks longer and in my defense I know that pretty much all orals are supposed to be ran 6 weeks or less for instance I've read that oral tren is so harsh that 4 weeks is the longest it should be ran at a time but Turanabol and Anavar are the exceptions being that they are both so mild that the Bar can be ran 12 weeks and the T-bol can be ran 8 weeks at a max of 4mgs a day......... please correct me if I'm wrong for I am here to expand my knowledge as much as possible