New member
All right guys I need a little insight here. I pay pretty close attention to my calorie intake, protein, carbs, and fats. Heres my situation, I wanna start leaning up for the summer. I'm a mesomorph so I lose and gain easily, but I've always preferred to eat big and bulk out, so I dont have much experience with lower calorie diets. I'll be starting another cycle in about a month or so but in the meantime I don't wanna lose any of my muscle, but I don't really wanna put on any unneeded fat either. I know that this is kind of a hard one to answer but if theres any vets out there who have some insight that'd be great. Here's my info
13% bf
Fairly active occupation, on my feet all day, manual labor. Currently only working out on a 3 day split, probably need a 4.
13% bf
Fairly active occupation, on my feet all day, manual labor. Currently only working out on a 3 day split, probably need a 4.