Need some help interpreting bloodwork after weak and very late pct


New member
Hey Guys,

So I'm in a pretty unique situation here. I'm 22 years old and did a cycle of prohormone when I was 19-20. Vaguely remember it was called M-drol or H-drol or something along that line. It was definitely a prohormone because I noticed some "unnatural" gains. Being young and uninformed, I didn't do a PCT and basically lost most of the gains.

Fast forward two years, I decided to do attempt a PCT with nolva, but only ran it for 5 days at 40mg ED. I stopped the PCT short and waited 8 days to get bloodwork done in hopes of getting a "baseline" reading for my test levels. Here are the results:

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Even though my free test is decent at 660 ng/dL, I noticed that my LH was still high (9.6 mIU/ml), which must be from residual nolvadex in my system. Am I correct to assume that when my LH drops to normal ranges (ie 4-7 mIU/ml) that my test will fall proportionately, leaving me with test levels around 300-400 ng/dL? Should I assume that I am basically hypogonadal?

Thanks in advanced for any advice. I've been a lurker for a while and you guys seem to be seasoned veterans in this field.

tl;dr How low will my serum testosterone levels drop once my LH levels normalize?
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