Not sure which forum this should go in so ill just post in here.
As of now, I am bulking till December. The only question I have has to do with my post-workout shake.
PRE-WORKOUT around 30 min before gym
I drink N-O Explode
POST-WORKOUT around 30-40 min after the gym, I drink a shake consisting of
-Cytogainer (4 scoops) *5g fat/79g carb-dextrose/maltodextrose/1g sugar/54g protein
-Creatine (around 7g)
-Flax Oil (around 2 tbsp)
In 16oz of water
Now... I realized I should get some BCAA's in my diet (more than I drink now) So i bought this supplement called "Monster Amino" by the makers of Muscle Milk (CytoSport). Here is all the information so you can see for yourself.
You can click "Nutritional info" for -- you guessed it -- the nutritional info.
This product contains wazy maize starch and 30g of carbs.
I just want to know if I should stop drinking my current post-workout drink and start drinking this instead? or maybe drink this during my training in the gym?
Im thinking, drinking it while im training in the gym is the best idea?
As of now, I am bulking till December. The only question I have has to do with my post-workout shake.
PRE-WORKOUT around 30 min before gym
I drink N-O Explode
POST-WORKOUT around 30-40 min after the gym, I drink a shake consisting of
-Cytogainer (4 scoops) *5g fat/79g carb-dextrose/maltodextrose/1g sugar/54g protein
-Creatine (around 7g)
-Flax Oil (around 2 tbsp)
In 16oz of water
Now... I realized I should get some BCAA's in my diet (more than I drink now) So i bought this supplement called "Monster Amino" by the makers of Muscle Milk (CytoSport). Here is all the information so you can see for yourself.
You can click "Nutritional info" for -- you guessed it -- the nutritional info.
This product contains wazy maize starch and 30g of carbs.
I just want to know if I should stop drinking my current post-workout drink and start drinking this instead? or maybe drink this during my training in the gym?
Im thinking, drinking it while im training in the gym is the best idea?