Need some info and advice my second cycle took about 3 months or so off of test e cyc


New member
Im 39 5’ 11 sitting around 205
20% bf I’m on my second week of sus and eq every 3 days on second week and got a reaction on both sides red a little warm not to bad hardened up some , put cold compression seems like it’s letting up now just bruised some any advice
Looks like you got pip. also, list your entire cycle please, what other compounds are you taking? and list your pin dosages too. how much test??
AND your bodyfat % is too high to cycle at all. get ready for high E2 levels and the sides therein.
Im 39 5***8217; 11 sitting around 205
20% bf I***8217;m on my second week of sus and eq every 3 days on second week and got a reaction on both sides red a little warm not to bad hardened up some , put cold compression seems like it***8217;s letting up now just bruised some any advice

you need to come back and get the advice given already op.
What are the volumes here? What dosages and for which compounds? Are you putting them in the same syringe and taking it as one shot?

So what's the volume and frequency here?

When you say you took 3 months off of your test e cycle do you mean 3 months after completion of pct? How long was that cycle?

I'm only asking cuz it sounds like you may be headed down a dangerous road. Cycles too close together and goal confusion. What was your goal in the first cycle? What is your goal now?

My apologies for all the questions. I know you are looking for help and I think you can find your answers in the above link and posts. Likely PIP or possibly a reaction to the eq.

Please come back for some discussion bro. Good luck