need some info on new cycle


New member
Sup guys, just signed up the forum looking for some helpful info. I have been doing a lot of reading and I think I have a good idea of what a cycle is supposed to entail. This will be my first time ever doing anything. To start I have a mild case of gyno that I've had for a few years, I was a little chubby when I was younger. At least I believe it to be gyno, I don't think it's just chest fat. I have very puffy nipples. I do not want my gyno to get worse doing this so I want to take all precautions. From my research I am thinking of running the following:

Test E
Ralox and liquidex off of RUI
PCT of Nolva

Please someone give me advice on dosing and let me know if I've got this right. I have reached a ceiling in my workout and am tired of not seeing the results I want to see. Thanks for any help
Thoughts on new cycle info needed

Sup guys, just signed up the forum looking for some helpful info. I have been doing a lot of reading and I think I have a good idea of what a cycle is supposed to entail. This will be my first time ever doing anything. To start I have a mild case of gyno that I've had for a few years, I was a little chubby when I was younger. At least I believe it to be gyno, I don't think it's just chest fat. I have very puffy nipples. I do not want my gyno to get worse doing this so I want to take all precautions. From my research I am thinking of running the following:

Test E week 1-12 250mg 2x a week
Anavar week 6-12 50mg daily
Liquidex .25 daily throughout cycle
HCG 250iu 2x a week throughout cycle
PCT of Nolva and clomic

Please someone give me advice on dosing and let me know if I've got this right. I have reached a ceiling in my workout and am tired of not seeing the results I want to see. Thanks for any help
starting a cycle thoughts and feedback

Sup guys, just signed up the forum looking for some helpful info. I have been doing a lot of reading and I think I have a good idea of what a cycle is supposed to entail. This will be my first time ever doing anything. To start I have a mild case of gyno that I've had for a few years, I was a little chubby when I was younger. At least I believe it to be gyno, I don't think it's just chest fat. I have very puffy nipples. I do not want my gyno to get worse doing this so I want to take all precautions. From my research I am thinking of running the following:

Test E weeks 1-12 250mg 2x a week
Anavar weeks 6-12 50mg daily
Liquidex .25 mg daily during cycle
Rolax 60mg daily during cycle
HCG 250iu 2x a week during cycle
PCT Nolva and clomid

Please someone give me advice on dosing and let me know if I've got this right. I have reached a ceiling in my workout and am tired of not seeing the results I want to see. Thanks for any help
First welcome to the boards. :wavey:

Next we would like to get your complete stats. You speak of Gyno from puberty so give us your :
years training and anything else.
We don't care what your lifts are

Next for your first cycle you do not need anything else but Test. Have you done any reading on our sticky threads that you see when you came in? If not start reading there. Do you know anything about Estrogen and prolactin? AND or what an AI is...etc..
This is a repeat Q's ...Thread. WE only need on thread OP.

Please someone join the threads or close one out. !!

Need stats on one of the threads
Idk why it posted so many time I'm sorry about that.
I'm 26 205 lbs 5'11 and I've been lifting for about a year and a half