Need some opinions please help


New member
Hello guys im very new to this site and was wondering what your opinions are.

iv been working out of about a year and a half made alot of great gains. Im enlisting in the US Marine Corps in september of this year(2014). I broke my wrist pretty bad a few days ago and might need surgery. The doctor told me i can start lifting again if im lucky in about 5 months which is a very bad inconvenience because i want to be in top shape when i got to boot camp. I was thinking about doing a cycle of h-drol once i can start lifting again to get me back where i started. What do you guys think of this?

sorry for the paragraph just need some advice.

Thanks a lot in advance.
First you should always do what the doc says. Just don't forget ur diet and cardio. To help with healing after surgery u could look into TB500 witch it a healing peptide. A google surch with give u alot of info on it along with the reasurch chem furum on here. And there's always hgh but that's hard to get ur hands on the real deal. Good luck tho.
Check with your recruiter to see if the prohormone is allowed. Idk if they do bloodwork before bootcamp, but just make sure first of all it's something you can be on. You also want to look at the time you start bootcamp in comparison to when you come off H drol. You can make gains while on, but lets say you have to quit mid cycle or something once bootcamp starts. Those gains wont mean much of anything if your test levels plummet coupled with heightened E2 levels. Prohormones can be rough, you are going to have to get a good PCT routine set up for a proper recovery. Personally, I would only do it if I had roughly 5-6 weeks to recover before starting bootcamp
Second what Rosca said. Also, I would take your doctor's advice with a grain of salt. They are just doctors, and give advice that will guarantee the best recovery. I was told to stay out of the gym for 6 weeks after a surgery I had, went back after 1 week and all was fine. Listen more to your body than what the doctor says, as doctors are usually clueless when it comes to weight lifting in my experience, which makes sense after all since that isn't their area of expertise. Also if you are out for that long, then jump on hdrol right when you're back, the "back in the game" gains and the hdrol gains together may be too much for your tendons/joints, which might cause injuries so be careful. Good luck with everything.
Hello guys im very new to this site and was wondering what your opinions are.

iv been working out of about a year and a half made alot of great gains. Im enlisting in the US Marine Corps in september of this year(2014). I broke my wrist pretty bad a few days ago and might need surgery. The doctor told me i can start lifting again if im lucky in about 5 months which is a very bad inconvenience because i want to be in top shape when i got to boot camp. I was thinking about doing a cycle of h-drol once i can start lifting again to get me back where i started. What do you guys think of this?

sorry for the paragraph just need some advice.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Your best bet is to listen to your doctor on this one. Your wrist is a complex mechanism with many different bones acting in concert. Seeing as though none of us know the broken bone, nor the nature of the fracture it would be impossible for us to give you any better advice than the medical professional who had likely dealt wit similar injuries scores of times.

I know it sucks when you have to be out of the weight room, but just do everything that you can do to facilitate your body healing itself..... One of those things is maintaining homeostasis, and any exogenous hormone is going to tamper with homeostasis.

In terms of gains before bootcamp, your gains will come back quicker than you put them on. So getting back to where you were is not as daunting as it seems right now. I personally wouldn't risk messing with your hormones right before basic starts.... Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Good luck bro.
Rosco nailed it don't worry too much about boot camp it's not that tough just keep the cardio up and try to keep maintain what you can before you go. Let the wrist heal and don't take the HDROL before you go especially since you go through MEPS one last time before you ship and if you haven't had your full physical yet they will take blood and test blood for diseases and also could see the test levels ...better be safe then sorry don't ruin your chance to serve because once you are red flagged say goodbye to the military. Once you get done with basic go ahead and run that shit once you get to your unit, you will be fine without taking the risks before hand.
I have a buddy that's a staff sergeant in the army, he wanted to use supps to gain in the gym but didn't have much to choose from due to their drug testing. I put him on a Sarms stack and he loved it. There's no drug testing for it so he had nothing to worry about. He's been running Sarms regularly ever since. :)