Need Some Serious Advice Please


New member
Not 110% postive if im going to do it yet but im looking to run a 10 Week cycle of Test Enanthate on my 20th Birthday.

Ive been studying up on steroids for a couple months now and was looking to get some advice.

Weight History:
2009: 235lbs (33% Bodyfat)
2010: 170lbs (13% Bodyfat)
2011: 240lbs (20% Bodyfat)
Current: 190lbs (12% Bodyfat) - Height 5'10.5"

Ive been training since I was 15 but have been taking it seriously since i started powerlifting about 2 and a half years ago.

As for diet, Ive been doing Lean Gains (Intermittent Fasting) for several months now and get my protein, carbs and fats from clean sources during my feeding window (Ex. Chicken, Tilapia, Oats, Sweet Potato, Cottage Cheese, Protein Powder, Olive Oil, etc.) Will take in around 3500 calories if I decide to cycle(Around 300g of protein).

I train using an edited version of the Westside Method. Monday(Upper Max Effort), Tuesday(Lower Repetition) Thursday(Upper Repetition) and Friday(Lower Max Effort)...Wednesday and Saturday involves strongman training for cardio(Car Pushes, High Jumps, Uphill Sprints, etc.)

I was thinking my cycle would look something like this:
Wk 1-10: 500mg Test E (250mg every 4 days)
Wk 1-10: 20mg Nolvadex
*Was also planning on taking 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 4-5 Days to prevent testicular atrophy and so natural test isn't completely surpressed.

Day 1-10: 100mg of Clomid
Day 11-21: 50mg of Clomid
Day 1-14: 40mg Nolvadex
Day 15-30: 20mg Nolvadex

**Reminder: im not fully convinced im going to start cycling steroids yet but any input that would be greatly appreciated.

Dont run nolvadex during your cycle save it for PCT and your clomid dose is to high for the first 10 days, you only need 100mg for a few days otherwise you will turn all emotional like a little girl lol.
Oh shit didnt read your 20 I would give it atleast another year before you run any gear bro, at your age your natty test should be through the roof.